Hoekstra Thanks Obama For Flight 253 Review, Asks Him For Ft. Hood Report Too | Talking Points Memo

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) issued this statement in response to President Obama releasing a declassified review of the Flight 253 incident.“I welcome the administration’s decision to publicly release its report on the Detroit attack, and believe it should release the Fort Hood attack and Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainee recidivism reports as well. It is striking that the same factors and actors involved in the Fort Hood attack seem to be at issue in the attempt to bring down a plane over the city of Detroit. I warned after the Fort Hood terrorist attack that we needed tough congressional oversight and hearings to understand the intelligence lapses that happened then to help prevent future attacks.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=132306