Here’s What We Know About Biden’s Planned Executive Actions On Gun Violence

NC, PA and WI are the best bets for pickups. Warnock in GA and Kelly in AZ will need to bring out their supporters in the face of the voter suppression tactics their legislatures have passed or are proposing.

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You know what those “suburban housewives” the GQP is worried about winning back spend a lot of time doing? Worrying about Mom. She’s so proud, but Is she still okay on her own? She needs extra services, but how can we afford it?

Home healthcare is ruinously expensive for the families but the people doing the work get paid shit. Everyone knows that. It’s the kind of thing only government can solve. I think I saw funds for insulating and weatherizing elderly housing - which seems like a really hard thing to argue against. Who is against grandma actually being able to afford heat?


Well, you know the usual suspects are just waiting to shoot holes in it…firing blanks.

Causes death


I would like to know more about “ghost guns.” Precisely what is he talking about? I have built hunting and target rifles and have seriously modified target pistols, but I have always started with a commercial receiver/action. Every commercial receiver/action has a serial number and is purchased through a licensed dealer. I have always had to pass a background check when purchasing one, even off the internet.

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I so hope you’re right on this—it’s been bumming me out for days. Manchin I can see doing some sort of Kabuki theater and cutting a deal with Biden. Sinema? I have no idea what her deal is. She doesn’t appear stupid, just incredibly self-absorbed. Well, a narcissist actually.



She fancies herself a magic pixie stardust twee showboating maverick who can’t believe how lucky she is to be a United States Senator, but she’s really just a moron.


Sinema graduated as valedictorian from Walton High School in DeFuniak Springs at age 16 and went on to earn her B.A. from Brigham Young University (BYU) in 1995 at age 18

What happened?

“Book smart”; can read and regurgitate; a follower- can hear and regurgitate; can parse documents and pull out snippets that confirm whatever topic view needed.

She has held many different jobs (according to her Wiki), which sometimes is an indication that she comes off as a smart cookie, but when the job gets tougher and requires deeper knowledge (as should be gained from experience), she “moves on.”

Personal note: I, too, graduated hs at 16. (They kept promoting me when I was in elementary school because I was advanced in reading and had a good vocabulary.) I took college classes and did OK - but I really wasn’t “getting it.” I was lucky to be able to go back to school in my 40s - what a difference!!!

Kids’ brains aren’t fully developed until they’re in their 20s. It is difficult for many students to do school work much beyond their “age appropriate” levels – something I saw among my students as well as from my own experience. The younger kids were more likely to struggle in the AP class (juniors), and there were a couple of older (18-19) International students who whizzed through, despite ESL status.

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I must be lazy or something because I have never had any interest in finishing an 80% receiver. That usually requires metal working skills, serious drills and other tools. For that reason on the occasions when I have “built” my own gun I have always started with a serial numbered receiver and bought via a licensed dealer so I had to have a background check run.

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It is a special class of gun enthusiast who wants weapons without serial numbers. You don’t make the cut, I reckon.


I guess.

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