Here’s What We Know About Biden’s Planned Executive Actions On Gun Violence

In addition to holding the house in 2022, we’ve got to move heaven and earth to elect at least 3 more dem senators so that we can tell Manchin and Sinema that we’re nuking the filibuster with or without them…

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I wonder if Nancy and Chuck could get each of their chambers to play the game of “who here doesn’t know someone who has been killed by a gun”? Accidental discharge, suicide, or killed by another all would count.


I’m pretty confident they’re going to change the filibuster rules in some manner that Manchin and Sinema can describe as “reform” rather than just repeal. And then we can go back to finding a 2024 primary opponent for Sinema anyway because she’s just the worst.


Mr. Chipman was a special agent at ATF for over 20 years. That’s someone who can restore integrity to the agency since it’s been hollowed out since Reagan signed the Firearms owners protection act which gutted it.


Is Joe Manchin the new Mitch McConnell? It sure is beginning to feel like it.

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Criminals “know one another.”

Gawd. And Mitch is at least honest about it, never mind being the opposition party.

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This grows ever more tiresome since it’s gotten to be a constant thing.


Biden will direct his administration to begin requiring consumers of “ghost guns,” which are homemade or makeshift firearms lacking serial numbers, to undergo background checks.

That’s just patent bullshit. They should be made illegal and made a Federal Class C felony (punishment of less than twenty-five years, but more than ten years), at the least. There’s only one reason anyone wants to possess an untraceable gun, fer chrissake.


Require gun owners to have liability insurance, same as car owners.


So less executive actions than executive affectations.

There is very spotty reporting on this (Manchin and the upcoming legislation) .And, because of the treachery of the GOP, I can somewhat understand it.

NC, PA and WI are the best bets for pickups. Warnock in GA and Kelly in AZ will need to bring out their supporters in the face of the voter suppression tactics their legislatures have passed or are proposing.

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You know what those “suburban housewives” the GQP is worried about winning back spend a lot of time doing? Worrying about Mom. She’s so proud, but Is she still okay on her own? She needs extra services, but how can we afford it?

Home healthcare is ruinously expensive for the families but the people doing the work get paid shit. Everyone knows that. It’s the kind of thing only government can solve. I think I saw funds for insulating and weatherizing elderly housing - which seems like a really hard thing to argue against. Who is against grandma actually being able to afford heat?


Well, you know the usual suspects are just waiting to shoot holes in it…firing blanks.

Causes death


I would like to know more about “ghost guns.” Precisely what is he talking about? I have built hunting and target rifles and have seriously modified target pistols, but I have always started with a commercial receiver/action. Every commercial receiver/action has a serial number and is purchased through a licensed dealer. I have always had to pass a background check when purchasing one, even off the internet.

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I so hope you’re right on this—it’s been bumming me out for days. Manchin I can see doing some sort of Kabuki theater and cutting a deal with Biden. Sinema? I have no idea what her deal is. She doesn’t appear stupid, just incredibly self-absorbed. Well, a narcissist actually.



She fancies herself a magic pixie stardust twee showboating maverick who can’t believe how lucky she is to be a United States Senator, but she’s really just a moron.

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