Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

How’s life in the Garland fantasy bubble?

A Former Mueller Prosecutor Takes Merrick Garland to Task

DOJ, under Merrick Garland’s somnolent leadership, didn’t even bother to interview Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … left to its own devices, DOJ would still be focused on prosecuting the low level lunatics who stormed the Capitol on January 6 … only the revelations of the House Se…

Jul 5

Atlanta Grand Jury Issues Subpoenas To Trump Legal Team, Lindsey Graham In Big Lie Probe - TPM – Talking Points Memo

TPM Article Topics

This news further highlights the dereliction of duty by Meek Merrick’s go-slow DOJ.

Jul 4

Trump Lashes Out At Cheney Over Possible Criminal Referrals

TPM Article Topics

While DOJ under Meek Merrick whines about access to the House Jan 6 Committee interview transcripts, Representative Zoe Lofgren pointed out that DOJ did not even bother to subpoena Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … As Representative Lofgren queried, “What are they [DOJ] doing over…

Jul 4

Jan. 6 Panel: Witnesses Have Come Forward After Hutchinson Testimony

TPM Article Topics

While DOJ under Meek Merrick Garland whines about access to the House Jan 6 Committee interview transcripts, Representative Zoe Lofgren pointed out that DOJ did not even bother to subpoena Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … As Representative Lofgren commented about the DOJ so-called…

You’re a one note surrender monkey. Have another banana.



Get a life, Garland fanboy.

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This has serious potential.


My dear sunshine, I’m sorry that i conceded ground to you, because had I given two rubs, I would’ve made sure that Esso stock that you and that pear shaped coven constantly worship, was rendered useless.

However, introductions are in order, my name is Aaron, please buckle up chap.


Think a lot of it is this. If you’ve ever been involved in a case, even in a tangential role as a witness, you’re much less likely to be surprised that the time between being identified as a witness and an actual trial can often be measured in years.

Makes for a much different perspective.


You might pose as someone polite, or at least as someone not so full of himself as to see himself as condescending to us proles.

Not that you’d succeed in fooling anybody if you tried it.


Honestly, the screentest was a disaster.


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You come at this room with a ‘wE nEEd a cHurcHiLL’…

I hope you don’t mean the dear Winnie whose cabinet positions are ‘something’.

Or do you mean this ‘Churchill’?

Could it be this one?

Maybe this 1

You palaver about me laughing at you, but you’re willing to fangirl for a dead icon who couldn’t stop shaking hands with fascists (Mussolini and Franco).

So what does that make you ‘lil boot’?

Say whatever about Lennon, but he had stones about his beliefs.

You, like your mystery date Winnie, are just for opportunity.


I’ve more, so please @ me, I insist.

You jelly-goblin monarchist twat.


That, and I think a lot of people want to hurry up and indict him before the midterms thinking it will boost Democrats’ chances in November. I’m not sure that’s the case. I think it’s probably more likely that indicting him before the midterms riles up the Republican base in a major way and endangers folks in really tight races like Tim Ryan in OH. Republicans considering voting for, say, Warnock in GA might go home to Walker believing that Democrats have gone too far. I think Dems have the juice right now and if gas prices continue to drop and inflation eases, we can win this thing.


N one more thing



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Remind me to never piss you off!


I really need to stop channeling William Regal.


This is indeed an excellent point.

Plus the Supremes apparently recently made some significant Decision, haven’t heard much about what it entails, but apparently some people, particularly women, are not very happy with it.

Oh, well, maybe when gas prices come down after Labor Day like they do every year, we’ll see more about it and find out what might motivate voters this cycle.


Why? Do you plan on boring me to death? Or just cutting and pasting more crap that I already know. But please, do entertain us with your ability to google things. We’re all so excited.