Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

Lovely ad hominem attack on Garland.
It’s also a stone cold lie.


Because who uses paper these days? He plays solitaire on the computer all day!


Well, I also have a BA in History, taught history in the public schools for 16 years, etc., etc.


Otherwise known as “bratty children”.

The velocity of America’s self-destruction continues to increase.


Exactly. That’s why Trump was so desperate for Ukraine to pretend to initiate an investigation into Hunter Biden because he understood that even a hint of a criminal investigation is problematic. It’s so troublesome that the candidate doesn’t even need to be the one under investigation for it to undermine their campaign. Look how they’re STILL going after Hunter Biden.

And the meth!

Oh, you know I would. Hell, they’d strike me before I even opened my mouth. Everything about me says, “This chick fucking hates Trump.” LOL


Wear a MAGA hat to throw them off.


Coming from an obsequious sycophant like you, I’ll take that with a grain of salt.

I’ll take Eric Holder’s opinion over yours.

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Which only means something if someone at DOJ is violating the rules and giving him insider information.

Which does not appear to be happening, so all of the former DOJ folks on the planet know exactly what we know, or can know, by picking up the newspaper.

DOJ is supposed to stay silent. It’s just shocking the entire brigade of armchair experts that their normal sources of leaks haven’t been leaking, an expectation built up by lots of leaks over years.

They’re equating a lack of leaks with a lack of activity, when DOJ is not supposed to be leaking, so that it’s finally being run as a tight ship doesn’t tell you anything about what is or isn’t happening behind closed doors.


So now you launch an ad hominem attack on @thunderclapnewman? Keep it classy.


Nobody will be proven right-- today.

Me? I’ve still got another half-season of J6C hearings to watch-- before– the case against TMF can be made and indictments drawn and handed down.

Nobody-- is going to convince me all the evidence is known-- now.
It’ll be late-September before the J6C hearings we’re aware of will conclude-- and there may be more scheduled after those!

Not lighting any hair on fire-- until sometime in October at the earliest.

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That worked for Larry David! (Scrub to 1:00 in if you want to jump to the effect without the setup).


DOJ, under Merrick Garland’s somnolent leadership, didn’t even bother to interview Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … left to its own devices, DOJ would still be focused on prosecuting the low level lunatics who stormed the Capitol on January 6 … only the revelations of the House Select Committee have embarrassed and pressured DOJ into finally broadening its investigation … but rest assured, the republic is safe - DOJ announced it has promptly opened an investigation into whether the PGA Golf Tour has committed antitrust violations.


Like I said Mr. expert, I’m going to go out on a limb and give the opinion of an actual former AG, and I don’t think even anyone here will disagree that he was a good one, more weight than anything you have to say. Moreover, he’s not the only one who is equally as qualified saying these same things.

Yes, the opinion of a former AG has more weight, in my crazy mind, than some ambulance chaser on a message board. Sorry, if that hurts anyone’s feelings.

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Lots of credible prosecutors have been questioning and scrutinizing the DOJ’s approach, which I think is appropriate. The J6 Committee members have been openly punking the DOJ for weeks now.

DOJ really doesn’t have a middle ground choice here. They either charge Trump and defend the Republic or they green light coups, period.

The overly methodical, concern about the appearance of politicization (which means you’re making political choices as you wouldn’t treat other defendants the same way) approach has a big risk because time is not on Garland’s side. Trump is running for office again. Everything becomes political once he declares. DOJ has to look to charge Trump no later than May 2023, imho, to get out in front of him and to make his criminality a big topic of the election cycle.

From what we know, the DOJ has had advanced significantly on the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and has established a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the incoming gov’t of the US.

They do not appear to have advanced very far in connecting Trump to that conspiracy, nor does one get the sense that the DOJ has move very far in connecting Trump to the conspiracy to get Pence to violate the electoral count act, the conspiracy to disrupt the congressional proceeding to certify the electors, or the conspiracy to appoint fake electors.

You don’t need the Proud Boys to establish Trump’s guilt in a lot of these areas. Working from the Capitol Riot to move up to Trump reaches a dead end when you get to the intermediaries like Stone, Flynn, Bannon, et al. They’ll never give up Trump without prosecution. You have to go to the head of the snake. Then everything will collapse under him.

Meadows, too. The violence of Jan 6 does not happen in my view if he wasn’t enabling Trump every step of the way, to the point of meeting with the Giuliani led group and others regarding the Capitol Riot. There’s a lot that Meadows isn’t saying but I don’t think we’re getting anything out of him without an indictment.


Bless your little heart.


Ambulance chaser? Good one, very creative. Also, go fuck yourself.


That’s speculation. You have no idea what is going on. What I am saying is that if anyone is in a position to know something it would be a former AG like Eric Holder. They kind of know people, have friends, go to the same parties. People talk to each other off the record. Anyway, you are free to disagree.

I believe Eric Holder over you. Get over it.

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