Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

24 mins

Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

TPM Article Topics

[An illustration shows Merrick Garland sleeping on a chair while Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani Roger Stone Steve Bannon and…]

6 hours

Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

TPM Article Topics

Get a life, Garland fanboy.

6 hours

Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

TPM Article Topics

How’s life in the Garland fantasy bubble? A Former Mueller Prosecutor Takes Merrick Garland to Task (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/12/weissmann-garland-justice-trump-investigation-00045502)

8 hours

Has The DOJ Run Out Of Time On The Big Lie?

TPM Article Topics

DOJ, under Merrick Garland’s somnolent leadership, didn’t even bother to interview Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … left to its own devices, DOJ would still be focused on prosecuting the low level lunatics who stormed the Capitol on January 6 … only the revelations of the House Se…

Jul 5

Atlanta Grand Jury Issues Subpoenas To Trump Legal Team, Lindsey Graham In Big Lie Probe - TPM – Talking Points Memo

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This news further highlights the dereliction of duty by Meek Merrick’s go-slow DOJ.

Jul 4

Trump Lashes Out At Cheney Over Possible Criminal Referrals

TPM Article Topics

While DOJ under Meek Merrick whines about access to the House Jan 6 Committee interview transcripts, Representative Zoe Lofgren pointed out that DOJ did not even bother to subpoena Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … As Representative Lofgren queried, “What are they [DOJ] doing over…

Jul 4

Jan. 6 Panel: Witnesses Have Come Forward After Hutchinson Testimony

TPM Article Topics

While DOJ under Meek Merrick Garland whines about access to the House Jan 6 Committee interview transcripts, Representative Zoe Lofgren pointed out that DOJ did not even bother to subpoena Cassidy Hutchinson as part of its “investigation” … As Representative Lofgren commented about the DOJ so-called…

Jun 30

Supreme Court Rules On Major EPA Case With Roberts Writing For Majority

TPM Article Topics

I appreciate your thoughtful reply, but we just have very different perceptions of Harris. I followed her pretty closely during her 2019-2020 presidential campaign, and thought her performance as a candidate was very poor. She often seemed awkward and ill-prepared when responding to questions on i…

Pattern and practice of an attention seeking troll.