In a major victory for #MeToo advocates, disgraced Hollywood film mogul Harvey Weinstein was handed a 23-year prison sentence on two charges of rape and sexual assault in his New York criminal trial on Wednesday morning.
He was taken into custody the same day the jury found him guilty. After a few days in the hospital, he’s been at Riker’s Island ever since. And he can appeal all he wants, but he’s not getting released on bond pending the appeal (which he will certainly lose).
Plus, he goes on trial in Los Angeles sometime soon too.
Deserved, but I am shocked that he got that much time. Usually the powerful, wealthy and connected manage to wiggle out. I’m hearing that none of his powerful, wealthy so-called friends would vouch for him.
When he checks in to his concrete hotel, I will believe that he’s actually going to serve some time. Not sure what the right to appeal is in this case, but I’m sure his lawyers are already on it.
The question will be, does he serve the time while they prepare the appeal, or is the sentence suspended until appeals are exhausted? In that latter case, he may never serve a single day.
I guess Weinstein didn’t contribute to Trump’s campaign or inauguration… and is not friends with Kim Kardashian… other wise the Dotard would have already pardoned him. Is not like he believes that anything that Weinstein (or for that matter Epstein) did is wrong.