Harris On GOPers’ Planned Attack On Election Certification: ‘We’re Going To Be Inaugurated. Period.’

Show them a spine of steel, Kamala!!!


Are you presuming Democrats in the Senate are going to eliminate the filibuster?

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We were talking about Pence this morning. My husband said Pence will be nothing without Trump. I said he was pretty much a nothing before Trump, and his time as VP certainly didn’t burnish his qualifications.

He wasn’t called elf on a shelf for nothing.


Double Secret Audit.


“Vice President Mike”?

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Below details plans by some in Congress as far as contesting electoral votes. I’ve read multiple accounts of the process and every one seems to say by statute or procedures previously established and codified in Congressional records each house separates and debates the protests, with debate limited to two hours.
How in the hell does this drag on until midnight if debate is limited to a mandated two hours?


I’m presuming Democrats can pass a few bills through the exact same mechanism McConnell used to pass the tax giveaway and tried to pass the Obamacare killing “healthcare” plan.


“Virtually no chance”
Is this like “allegedly” when they catch the perp with the gun?
I’m curious why these articles always seem to say “virtually.”
It’s not like anyone is going to get in trouble if they just say “no chance.”

I heartily look forward to 4 years of VP Harris exploding right wingers heads by clearly stating obvious facts.


It thought it was two hours for each state that is challenged, so depending on how many states they challenge (I think we’re looking at 6) it could be 12 hours, which would mean they would either recess and finish on Thursday or drag it out. From what I understand they can’t adjourn or do anything else until its finished. Obviously none of us have observed anything like this, but I assume that Pence would read, say Georgia’s votes, a Congresscritter would object, filing his or her written objection with the appropriate signatures. They would then adjourn to each house to debate. After two hours they would reconvene and continue.
If they read it as 2 hours for each challenge, and we have 12 senators and G*d knows how many House members, it could go on a good long time. I think even they would see that dragging it out beyond 12 hours would be absurd, but they have an affinity for the absurd.
Raw Story seems to say that they want to limit the debate, so they may be signaling that they realize this is just political theater. If they really thought they had a chance, don’t you think they would keep it up all night? A sort of challenge fillibuster?


I misunderstood it to mean the aggregate of challenges were limited to two hours of debate. If the Republican’s goal are to cause trouble I guess in your scenario why the hell not challenge EVERY state Biden won? Allegations of fraud and irregularities are no more valid in the close states than the ones Biden won by a wide margin. Might as well throw deep and piss everyone off, no?

That’s what I thought, too, but the article suggested that they are limiting it to three states and for some reason don’t want it to last past midnight. I have no idea why, unless they realize that even the most intense parts of the base will doze off after a while.
On the other hand, I like your interpretation that it is two hours total. That way they can be home for supper.

What an Fing clusterf—k:

Dr. emptywheel Retweeted

Nicholas Fandos



A Grassley spokesman clarifies that the senator does not “have any indication Pence won’t be present.” Grassley, he said, was just trying to explain that at president pro tempore of the Senate, he would fill the chair if Pence does not show or steps out at points for a break

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Roll Call


· 37m

NEW: Iowa Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Senate president pro tempore, says he and not Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the certification of Electoral College votes, since “we don’t expect him to be there.”

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Not Pence, but Grassley will chair tomorrow’s session.

What a chicken.

ETA: @bunnyvelour Or perhaps Pence does chair… He’s still a chicken.


Trump’s “base” is really a cult and once he no longer has control of the agenda or the soapbox or the privilege of being president, I think he will start to fade from view. All he will have left are the untreated marginally mentally ill (and I say that sadly), the people prone to paranoia and feelings of persecution. They will always be with us. Because he really doesn’t care about them, he will abandon them too once his coffers are full or he is in jail.


So, about 74 million people.


Critters love to talk and set red meat their bases. This is all this is about and looking “strong” to their mouthbreathing cultists.


I am just hoping this feeling that I am being held hostage by stupid people goes away on 1/20. It is exhausting.


Chaos and confusion translate into clicks which translate into ad revenue. Bill Palmer has some choice words about the hand-wringers!
So f’g tiresome… 2020 will never end.

Isn’t it glorious! More, please.

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