As COVID-19 cases reach record highs in Arizona, an estimated 3,000 people showed up at President Donald Trump’s “Students for Trump” rally at a megachurch in Phoenix on Tuesday night–and most of them went mask-free.
It’s important to understand that con artists and sociopaths have to start somewhere. Students for Trump cofounders Ryan Fournier and John Lambert are case studies. They will be the last people on earth to accept liability for the harm caused by such a gathering. Fournier in particular seems the type who could outcon the Don.
Well, what do you expect? They were in a CHURCH! Gawd’s protection, right? Plus the magical UV air filters that would kill all the coronavirus 10 minutes after it got into the air! Ten minutes! What more could anyone want?
The only hopeful note was that these kids were young and have a better survival chance. Not so for all the “elders” they will be in contact with.
Wish we could positively identify the people at these Re-eleKKKt Trump rallies and put them on some kind of national do-not-hire-date-or-engage-in-conversation list.
Yup. I’ve collected the photos of allllll these ‘crazy kidz’ - to post in the next thread (on a certain website) that degenerates into “YOU BOOMERS HAVE RUINED THE WORLD”.
You know - these kids will grow up to be politicians - in fact they’re being GROOMED to be politicians. So yeah -there’s no such thing as a ‘greatest generaton’. Generations are groups of folks made up of other groups of folks. Some of them are assholes. Nature and nurtured.
I’m starting to think that, by 2022, Arizona will be as blue as California. This sort of behavior has consequences, and those consequences will be very apparent in just a few weeks. The political backlash will then be quite severe.
O/T, but he was also at the “Wall,” or at least the 200th mile of the wall he has built. Maybe the heat was getting to him. I’m sure this is a perfect transcript. Here’s what he said:
“I think it’s great. It’s great. It’s going to be – it’s really foolproof. It’s solid steel. It’s rebar and concrete inside the steel. So we have a very heavy concrete inside the steel. And inside the concrete, we have rebar. So you have everything you could have. It’s what they wanted, and that’s what we did.”