Negating Item for her further political career: “In every instance that I dealt with him, he was truthful, he listened, and he was great to work with.”
More evidence there is no God:
Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from “angels.” Some are very tough, hardened criminals. President Obama said he had no legal right to sign order, but would anyway. If Supreme Court remedies with overturn, a deal will be made with Dems for them to stay!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2019
Not necessarily. Can also be evidence that we’ve all been very, very naughty, and trump is our punishment.
So that would explain Jews being bequeathed Hitler.
Seems legit.
At least they make it easy, these sickening toadies. Used to be there were a few GOP figures who weren’t horrible about everything—they might be reasonable on this and maybe that. Now, if you haven’t stood apart to the level, say, Kasich has, then you’re the enemy of our freedoms and way of life, not just a political rival. You can’t split the difference on this stuff, Nikki. It’s a Faustian bargain; you might get something, but you’re losing much more.
The knife that cuts the most turns slowly.
Haley is doing a nice job of talking to Trump directly through his medium and not his people.
Pence better have a plan or he’s about to get this Christmas card from POTUS
Ya think, Nikki?
Four years from now, she’ll be mounting a run for the presidency.
Doesn’t she realize she will have to dye her hair if she wants Pence’s job?
i think Haley’s the one Hillary Clinton was referring to as the stooge being groomed by the Russians.
Or this is test from a higher power, to see if we can evolve to the next level.
or she is auditioning for wifey#4…a la’ Pompeo…
If there is, s/he’s got a wicked sense of humor, anyway. And the ‘tests’ are getting more difficult.
The good thing out of all this yes-I-love-Trump-but-tsk-tsk by Haley is the library of video clips she is creating that will insure she is never a viable national candidate.
Nikki is obviously assuming that if a woman is the Dem nominee, Trump will ax Pence (since the Bible Thumpers will cling to Trump like barnacles no matter what) and pick her. This might be a bad bet, since no voter remotely likely to vote Democratic is likely to be swayed by a Republican putting a woman on the ticket (cf., Sarah Palin); OTOH, there are a lot of misogynist women Republicans for whom putting a woman on the ticket would not change their detestation of someone like Elizabeth Warren in the least. So a net zero.
There was something going on between Nikki and Mango Mussolini. Care to speculate what?
As was discussed the other day, there can be more than one stooge, just never more than three (at one time).
It’s especially endearing God has seen fit to have Trump rip 70,000 children from the arms of their parents, and follow in behind that bit of obscenity by providing us with a few million Republicans that think it’s perfectly fine he does it.