Gringrich Clutches Pearls Over Fetterman’s Tattoo Because Gangs And Heroin And Hide Your Kids!

Nah. Nobody cares what Gingrich says. The only reason we know about it is because he’s a D-lister political celebrity and when he blathers about something it helps to fill the vast and insatiable maw of the mediasphere. He’s a ridiculous person, though, and people have had decades to see it. Nobody thinks the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania has gang connections. And anyone who might entertain the idea wouldn’t have been voting for him anyway.

ETA I went and looked at exactly what he said, and it just can’t be more absurd. He said the tat was either from a song about heroin use or a tribute to the Crips, which is maybe one of the most ridiculous and baseless things you could dream up to say. Even as wild, nonsensical calumny it’s just stupid. You can’t say a thing is either one absurd thing or a different absurd thing when there’s no possible reason to find either plausible. I guess he stopped even trying a long time ago. Someone said years ago that if they shook him awake and said Trump had just nationalized the banks, he would say, “Isn’t it wonderful that we have such a bold, innovative thinker as president” and go back to sleep. Like I said, he’s a ridiculous person. Now, in an era in which Qanon is a thing, you have to acknowledge that people will believe some ridiculous stuff. But we’re not talking about those people. We’re talking about Fetterman voters. They won’t have any time for this.


Newt Gingrich has a long long history of just making stuff up! There are volumes & volumes of utterances from this schmuck that have absolutely no basis in fact.
There is something uniquely despicable about a guy who will look you in the eye & lie his ass off.


i have no idea why TPM feels it must repeat and print these idiotic remarks.


They do it with an eye towards muckraking.

Just spell his name right.    ; - )

CNN mentioned Trump constantly. Trump was elected President, albeit fraudently.

First time I heard about that – (s-e-x) – thing was as a defense Newt Gingrich dreamed up back when he was caught.


OT, to the extent these Morning Memo roundups have a T, but seriously I could not love these people more. They’re whimsical and charming even when they’re out killing folks.


Well, there you go. I have always clutched pearls over Noooot’s jowls. I have always believed, deep in my heart that they are the reason that he is such a turd of a human being.

My Holy Cross Brother, teacher, was more direct. He said touching girls on (or in) private places was a sin. It was then I knew that Catholicism was not for me.

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I think people in general try to suggest that oral sex somehow doesn’t count when they feel it’s convenient for them to suggest that. But let’s examine the name: oral sex. I think in the name itself is a clue that it’s sex. Another test is if you’re in a marriage or other monogamous relationship; if you casually mention at dinner that you gave or received oral sex that afternoon with someone not the person you’re having dinner with, see how the conversation goes. :fireworks:


Dept. of Well Huh:


I think it won’t take an entire Friedman unit to know if this was true or not. Couple of days, maybe.


BTW I just noticed this thread we’ve been posting to for three days talks about a person named “Gringrich.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


He is transitioning - step by step & when all is complete
He will simply be known as
" The Grinch"


Well, I was going to say something about fishing and beer, but opted for environmental. The truth is in the aphorism, I guess.

I’ve been told I’m too literal. Maybe this is what they mean.


Hide your daughters from Newtie!

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Won’t even suggest as an edit - FIFY…

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