OK not a hard personal decision for
Chuck Grassley - Born - September 17, 1933 (age 86 years)
what about
Mitch McConnell - Born - February 20, 1942 (age 78 years)
Lamar Alexander - Born- July 3, 1940 (age 80 years)
James Risch - born May 3, 1943 (age 77 years)
and many more ?
Let the no-shows commence. Step right up Republican congresspeople get your picture taken with the worst president in history! Smile side by side with an idiot whose historical nickname is likely to be either “the plauge spreader” or “the virulent idiot”
Let’s make sure to send them there on a taunt. How about we send them all a nice invitation on behalf of all of us lefties? Don’t wanna challenge tRump on his bullshit about the virus? Show up then and prove your worth to your Pumpkinheaded Leader.
sounds like they need to get together, really close together and have a drinking game shot party.
let in Donny jr’s girlfriend for entertainment.
"Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday said that he has decided against attending this year’s Republican National Convention for the first time in 40 years because of “the trump situation.”
I feel so deeply for this good sister. She has been carrying her city on her back for months. Courage. Dignity. Intelligence. Honor. Strength. I pray she pulls through in good shape - we need her to do so.
She was on MSNBC earlier, said she mistook the symptoms for allergies, which is reasonable — spring and summer in the South, after all. She said her husband has been sleeping a lot, but that’s his only symptom.
Caught some of her interview and she was saying her husband had been sleeping off and on for three days,
She also said they had been doing everything right mask,gloves hand washing etc and had also been tested
previously but this time came up positive,Sad.
There will be lots more of these “I must wash my hair and darn my socks” regret refusals in the weeks to come, I wager. We can call it The Grassley Exception.