Grand Jury Set To Convene As GA Prosecutors Prepare Subpoenas In Trump Investigation | Talking Points Memo

Set and spike!



I think I get the MF part.

the Motherfucker Who Will Not Be Named.


What is she even talking about? Is she threatening President Biden with her Neanderthal kin? Seriously, I cannot decode what she is trying to say here.

To sum up: “Don’t you judge me just cus I got deficient chromosomal DNA, y’all”.

Wait until she finds out how many of us (her included, most likely) are part Neanderthal.


In addition to the Insurrection Caucus we now have the Neanderthal Caucus. Its like Mom and apple pie.

She may be [is] an idiot and she appears to be a nutcase as well, but what do you find idiotic about her statement? In the last umpty years, we’ve gotten much more robust ideas about Neanderthals. Besides, Biden was too much schoolyard and not enough old school.

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Losing a red state is big ego blow. And for that reason I’d bet a round of drinks he made the same calls to AZ.


I do think that is a valid question. If asked by someone who was in a coma for the last 5 years.

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I suspect Trump will begin to lose weight soon. Even a table full of hamburders don’t offset sihtting bricks.

You know what else confuses me, it’s that Raffensperger is dyed in the wool Republican that isn’t above voter suppression, so was his bright line the fact that Trump, Graham, et al were publicly pushing for something that needed to be done on down low?

I’ll be surprised if anything comes from this.

Brian Kemp has to be one of the most corrupt politicians in a very long list of Republicans. Just check his lengthy bio on Wikipedia. Kemp loves Trump’s racism even if he’s not a true confederate…from NYC and not Catholic or Evangelical.

He’d have probably kept him mouth shut if not for the death threats from the cultists.

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Violence, or the threat of violence does seem to wake some people the fuck up.