Graham Threatens To Become Trump’s ‘Worst Nightmare’ In Feud

Maybe he can be Sanders VP, to make Sanders look younger.


Graham (Cracker, SC)'s idea of Trump’s worst nightmare:

What Trump thinks:


Toilet paper, on a good day.


Hollow jibberish from Lindsey. Too late because the Kurds have already lost a number of their people at the hands of Turkey. Oh, and those ISIS prisoners who are no longer prisoners – don’t think for a second they won’t regroup and forge ahead with double-downed extremist zeal and ideology. Dumb Fuck Trump. He’s bathing in blood.


To which piece of shit are you referring?

Just needing clarification.


Typical Faux-Christian Clothing-Rending; Fuck the Kurds, this is about ISRAEL GOD-DAMMIT!!!

Without Israel we can’t have THE RAPTURE! Without THE RAPTURE we have no control over the rubes…er, our FLOCK (yeah, that’s it Flock) of Worshipers!!! (How the FUCK do I fleece them without the threat of The Rapture???)

After all, we got Pool-Boys to payoff and Mansions and Yachts to buy!


“I will become his worst nightmare!”image


All of them, Katie.


If this had been someone like Lamar Alexander instead of Graham, I would have clicked on this story and actually read it.

Graham has use to me only as a witness or a perp.


Well, karma’s a bitch Lindsey.
You sold your soul to the orange devil; now bend over and get what’s coming to you.


“I will not settle on the sidelines…"

It’s a bit late for tough talk, don’t you think? A generation’s worth of damage has been done, thanks in no small part to your failure to remove your head from Trump’s asshole. There’s no fixing this. If you’re that upset about it you should be stop defending the indefensible and help impeach the motherfucker.


There was a pretty good article somewhere about how Graham completely sold out to Trump in order to have the ability to influence the POTUS during a moment like this. The article kind of tried to throw Graham a lifeline saying he was willing to eat any amount of crap in order to have a voice and be able to check Trump.
And then this happened and Trump could give 2 forks what Graham says and Graham is left realizing that his Faustian bargain got defaulted on like most other Trump business agreements.


Doesn’t it just suck, Lindsey Graham, when you realize that you have given away your power to someone who doesn’t give a shit about you or anybody else? He’ll use you when you’re useful and toss you aside when you’re not. And you’ll get nothing in return. If only you had been paying attention all these long and terrible months. I could almost feel sorry for your pain if you hadn’t been helping to cause worse pain for me and the rest of the country, not to mention people in the rest of the world.

The only way you could be Trump’s worst nightmare would be to come out and say you would vote to convict if he’s impeached and you’ve already got 20 other Republican Senators willing to vote that way too and McConnell has agreed to hold hearings for weeks after the House votes for impeachment. THEN you have a shot of being one of his worst nightmares. Until you can do that, you’re a barking little lap dog threatening to bite his ankle if you can get close enough before he kicks you aside.


How does Lindsey even say this without laughing uncontrollably at himself?


I am looking to President Trump to change this,” the Republican senator told CBN host Pat Robertson. “I will do anything I can to help him, but I will also become President Trump’s worst nightmare.”

“I will not settle on the sidelines and watch a good ally, the Kurds, be slaughtered by Turkey and watch Iran move into Syria and become another nightmare for Israel,” Graham continued. “This is a defining moment for President Trump. He needs to up his game.”


Sounds like Trumps meeting with bipartisan members of Congress this afternoon went hella good.


“I will do anything I can to help him, but I will also become President Trump’s worst nightmare.”


Maybe Graham is only throwing this fit in preparation of his next election campaign ?

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this is priceless! Thanks!


What the fuck is he talking about when he is saying be more like Reagan? I could swear Reagan stood by while Saddam Hussein practiced genocide toward the Kurds because Saddam was our friend back then - remember?

Oh, what the hell am I getting all lathered up about? - history beyond last week doesn’t mean a thing anymore. And no one deserves to get rat-fucked more than Lindsey Graham.

I am not sure when it became official, but we are a shithole country now to our allies.