GOPer Says Trump’s Attack On Yovanovitch Was ‘Unfortunate’ But Not Intimidation

Like tsunamis and cyclones, they are indeed unfortunate.


Your asking IMPOSSIBLY high standards. Everybody is greedy and venal and cheats - so why do you hate America - the greatest nation on the planet that is a shining light to all those crummy nations with problems that are caused by immigrants and feminists?


What are you talking? I just want my cut is all.


Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) described President Donald Trump’s hostile tweet about impeachment investigation witness Marie Yovanovitch as “unfortunate” on Sunday, but he argued that it wasn’t witness intimidation.

Says the enabling son-of-a-bitch about his treasonous lord and master, Donald J. Treason. “Unfortunate”? I would say the people Turner represents are “unfortunate”. Witness intimidation and cajoling for violent acts has been a frequently used tactic throughout the political career of Donald J. Treason.

Adam Schiff, please apply the thumbscrews to His Petulancy. Make the Orange Anus tweet-rage hideously for all to see. Let him show his ass so flagrantly that the only people who continue to support him are beyond deplorable.

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…and so another ideal is crushed for a trusting crow.


There was a cartoon during Watergate days that had Nixon driving a covered wagon, yelling, “Circle the wagons!” with the puchline, “How do you make a circle with only one wagon?”
My second favorite to the Doonesbury, “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!” That one just never gets old.


OK Rocket Scientist Senator Turner (R-Dumbass), you don’t believe Trump committed “witness intimidation,” because he didn’t actually get to the “witness tampering” level?

Witness tampering is the act of attempting to improperly influence, alter or prevent the testimony of witnesses within criminal or civil proceedings.



It sure is unfortunate for the Republicans who have tethered themselves to him.


Prior corruption probably helps. Prior, chin-deep, and repeated.

Tapper and other interviewers need to enforce some discipline on Republicans who come on their shows and go on these rambling spiels that don’t even pretend to address the questions they were asked. He was asked if Trump’s tweet was “witness intimidation” and he blathered for several minutes about Adam Schiff, and Democrats wanting to overturn the election, and on and on. Tapper should just end the interview then and there when it’s clear that he’s not going to get an honest answser. Let that smug asshole go peddle his bullshit on Fox News.


Indeed. Testified to in real time before a national audience.

Tampering with a witness isn’t a result crime, anyway.


Classic anecdote about a soon to be ex spouse on a restraining order who shared custody of their little girl. He was barred from contacting his wife in any way. He sent the little girl home with a white rose for his wife. He went to prison. Why? His soon to be ex wife was able to get the restraining order in the first place because he had threatened to kill her and put white roses in her grave.

Context matters. In the July phone call, Trump says: Well, she’s going to be going through some things. But prior to that President Zelensky says:

On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you haveany additional information that you can provide ·to μs, it would_be very helpful · for the investigation t·o make· that weadminister justice i’:r1 our country with regc:ird: to the Ambassadorto the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her namewas Ivanovicli. It was great that you were the first one. who toldme that she was a bad ambassador because I agree·with you 100%.Her attitude to.wards me was far from the best as she admired theprevious President and she was on his· side.

So Trump inc had been seeking to get our own Ambassidor in trouble with the Ukranian legal system.

So it is in this context that Trump bashes her in real time while she is testifying. That tweet will bring all of this to mind. And you would have to be autistic not to know that someone will tell her as soon as possible. It’s pretty clear that this was witness intimidation.

But … don’t you know - GOP members have special powers to determine when a person truly is “intimidated” … arrogant bastards think they know more than the actual individual who is the object of attack.


When Republicans like these sell out, they really go all in. Why have a conscience when they believe they’ll pay no price? And so many times, they haven’t.

Billy Martin, long time manager of the Yankees, once explained that he didn’t necessarily badger the umpires after a call to get them to change it, he did it to make them think twice before their next call.

Just as surely as Trump wished to intimidate Yovanovitch, he wanted to dissuade future witnesses even more.


GOPer is a dork,

Not a chance, Twinkletoes!

I wake each morning feeling it to be quite unfortunate that we have a grifting fascist wannabe in the White House. Sometimes I even find it intimidating.

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She didn’t seem very intimidated. And she may have been discussing other witnesses watching what Trump was trying to do.

But the key is that the effect of Trump’s bluster is not relevant. If I try to bribe you, but you turn me down, I’ve still committed a crime. If I try to extort something from you and you call my bluff, you’ve still committed a crime. The fact that Trump is poor at his criminality may show that he’s even worse than we thought, but it doesn’t clear him of anything.