If he would step down and go away I wouldn’t care about anything else. I just wouldn’t care.
Just go the fuck away.
If he would step down and go away I wouldn’t care about anything else. I just wouldn’t care.
Just go the fuck away.
Don’t get it. Why do they care?
The Senate rules governing impeachment proceedings don’t seem to allow a secret ballot. The relevant rule requires that the Senators be individually polled and answer yea or nay. Of course, the Senate could change the rules, but you know how likely it would be to get McConnell to do that.
XXIII. An article of impeachment shall not be divisible for the purpose of voting thereon at any time during the trial. Once voting has commenced on an article of impeach- ment, voting shall be continued until voting has been com- pleted on all articles of impeachment unless the Senate adjourns for a period not to exceed one day or adjourns sine die. On the final question whether the impeachment is sustained, the yeas and nays shall be taken on each article of impeachment separately; and if the impeachment shall not, upon any of the articles presented, be sustained by the votes of two-thirds of the Members present, a judg- ment of acquittal shall be entered; but if the person im- peached shall be convicted upon any such article by the votes of two-thirds of the Members present, the Senate shall proceed to the consideration of such other matters as may be determined to be appropriate prior to pronounc- ing judgment. Upon pronouncing judgement, a certified copy of such judgment shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State. A motion to reconsider the vote by which any article of impeachment is sustained or rejected shall not be in order.
Form of putting the question on each article of impeach- ment.
The Presiding Officer shall first state the question; there- after each Senator, as his name is called, shall rise in his place and answer: guilty or not guilty."
Sorry, forgot to link to the rules: https://www.law.cornell.edu/background/impeach/senaterules.pdf
If the goal is to remove Trump, then a plea deal to get him to resign should be fine. If the goal is to expose the corruption under Trump, and of the Republican party, then a public vote is required…let the Republicans vote to keep him in office, despite all the illegality and obstruction evidence the House hands them, and then see what happens in 2020 as Americans finally wake up to what the Republican party truly has become. Heck, let Trump run, he will lose to any of the top Democrats and drag a bunch of Republicans down with him…if he’s not on the ballot Republicans will go for amnesia and try to claim they “fought behind the scenes” the entire time, while others will say they “fought to defend Trump” if they need that to win. We’re better off with an open process, let the chips fall where they may.
Not only have we gone through all the steps of the Narcissist Prayer, but now he and his sycophants are looping on each step of the damn thing.
Narcissist Prayer:
That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did…
You deserved it.
Agreed. Meta question, are you even allowed to make posts that aren’t in the form of a riddle?
I’m guessing spineless Rob Portman already has some feedback (or since he’s not up until 2022 he is the guinea pig for those that are up)
No one died when Clinton lied.
4000+ Americans and 100000+ Iranians died when Bush Cheney Rumsfeld and Rice lied.
Portman was probably jealous that his interns didn’t put out.
In Pat’s case, it’s probably a sewer line.
So long as he takes his vile children and henchmen and henchwomen with him I’m tempted to agree myself.
Of course, there’s a hornets nest of state-level stuff waiting for him, so he doesn’t really get off scot free…l
And now there are four Republicans who acknowledge what Trump did was wrong. He is not ready to impeach, but we are just at the beginning stages of this process.
The letter in question echoed then-Vice President Biden’s concern that Shokin was not addressing government corruption – the opposite of Trump’s claims in his debunked conspiracy theory.
Shokin’s replacement was harder on Burisma than Shokin according to what I have read.
He investigated them more, not less.
Kind of defeats the purpose if that’s why he was replaced.
Oh, it doesn’t even matter any more about that stuff. He and his family are basically toast, regardless.
No bank will loan them money.
Once they’re out of power, they’ll find out that people like MBS would as readily do to them what he did to Khashoggi.
Nobody will be staying in their miserable hotels, and the whole brand is beyond dead.
So, we have “mild” (using the term loosely) rebukes from;
Sen. Romney: In no danger whatsoever of losing nomination or re-election in Mormon-Controlled Utah.
Sen. Portman: Not up for re-election until 2022 and considered a “moderate”, so Trump can’t touch him.
Sen. Collins: Desperate to court the “moderate” Republican and Independent vote with the polls showing her waaaaay behind in her 2020 re-election bid.
Out of 52 Republican Senators, this is most they can muster? Pathetic. Just Pathetic.
If McConnell believes the Presidency and the Senate majority could be lost to the Republicans if trump remains in office - Moscow Mitch will have those rules changed in a heartbeat.
Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader and one of Mr. Trump’s staunchest advocates in the Senate, urged the president to maintain the American deployment in Syria. He also reminded Mr. Trump of a Senate vote in January that Congress rebuked him over a planned withdrawal.
“A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime,” he said. “And it would increase the risk that ISIS and other terrorist groups regroup.” Trump De