Seriously? He wrote this? It’s just vile.
Guess I now have to agree with whoever posted above “good riddance to bad rubbish”…
Seriously? He wrote this? It’s just vile.
Guess I now have to agree with whoever posted above “good riddance to bad rubbish”…
Don Jr. talks a lot. Family trait.
Of course not, because R.
Was he a member of the Sedition Caucus?
In other words, an ideologue.
This damn virus. The thought of getting it and dying while people are getting vaccinated particularly scares me.
Bon Voyage, Ron.
A death is a death, and certainly tragic, even for this guy. At the same time, I read these, and it blows my mind that he or any other member of the GOP can, with a straight face, argue that making a higher salary “hurts hard-working Texans.”
Don’t have enough food? Eating more is definitely not the answer. Car out of gas? A pinch of salt in the tank will help! It’s no wonder this has turned into a cult.
Here’s my list with state level or higher officials who have died, by party, updated:
US rep Ron Wright (TX)
US rep-elect Luke Letlow (LA)
State sen Ben Chafin (VA)
State rep Mike Reese (PA)
State rep Richard Hinch (NH)
State rep Bob Glanzer (SD)
State rep-elect David Andahl (ND) died before election but won
Apparently so, according to the newspaper account. And, btw, there is absolutely no evidence that hanging coyote carcasses from fences or other objects deters living coyotes.
I have no insight on who might run for the seat, but it’s not entirely inconceivable as a Dem pickup. The district was only Trump +3 in November, and a lot of it is urban and suburban Tarrant County. It’s one of those crack-and-pack districts that’s definitely getting radically redrawn this year due to demographic shifts away from the GOP.
Yep that’s what I thought.
Tough Chinese flu, right GOP?
IIRC, there is plenty of research to indicate that the death penalty (public or otherwise) is not a deterrent for humans either.
It’s all about hate and vengeance, that which drives the GQP.
Is there some way this could be adapted (respectfully, of course) for humans Republicans who refuse to wear masks?
Well, by gloating over this man’s death, we elevate his passing over all those others, good, bad, or indifferent who snuff it in obscurity.
So he was hale and healthy on 01/06/21, and on 02/07/21 he passed away. I wonder if there was some sort of non intentional super spreader event that happened on, or between these dates?
Oh, and his last ever tweet was a happy birthday message to Ronald Reagan.
Is there anything more appropriate for a GOTPer at this point? It’ll probably be the last thing they ever post, sort of a “Will the last one out please turn out the lights?”
Yes, with 7-0, it’s starting to look like it’s non-random.
He was not an ideologue, just a loyal Republican following established doctrine:
“‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in. . . If I get sick, I’ll go and try to get better, but if I don’t, I don’t.” Lt Gov Dan Patrick (R-TX)
No gloating here. But presumably he was in the House on 1/6, and he announced his positive test on 1/21. So it may well be that he was exposed during the super-spreader insurrection. And that ought to be a wake-up call for Republicans, one of whose own may now have been killed as a result of Trump’s incitement.
Oh, that’s just awful. What a tragedy.