Some Republicans are considering delaying and extending the impeachment trial in the Senate to force Democratic senators who are running for President to stay in Washington and out of the early primary states.
Yep. And in a very real way. Dragging it out in the Senate to keep Democratic Senators running for the Dem Presidential nomination also means keeping a whole lot more republicans running to save their seats and the republican majority off the campaign trail, too.
While more damage is being inflicted upon their chances of holding those seats.
My guess is that McConnell isn’t even remotely considering such a stupid act.
In the end, Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will be forced to find some sort of arrangement agreeable to most of the factions of his caucus
Couple of thoughts here:
#MoscowMitch is not very popular at home and not liked by Spankee – if he thinks there’s a chance he might get primaried by some RWNJ Pro-Spankee candidate, he may re-think this, as it would affect his own primary chances. Especially if Spankee jumps in for the other guy.
If the hearings keep turning up even more damning evidence like the opening day, plus all the sideshows (Stone, Fruman, Parnas, etc., etc.) #MoscowMitch may decide that derailing everything a.s.a.p. to get this out of sight may be the only way for Goopers up for (re)election (both House and Senate) to survive.
Perhaps by the time it gets to the Senate the R’s will want to proceed as rapidly as possible so Trump does not drag down the possibilities of R wins in many “safe” states.
Any of them who think that Trump has some sort of Presidentialesque ability to “make his case” are fooling themselves. He’s made his case and the only thing he does with time is repeat the lies over and over. They let it drag on and he’ll start firing people and turning on the “disloyal” members of his party, one by one.
[“Some think that dispensing of the whole impeachment debacle quickly is best; others argue that the President needs time and space to make his case.”]
I vote that Trump takes as much time as he can spare. In fact, he should devote 100% of his time on THAT.
A nice furlough in Russia will do the trick. We’ll hold the fort here.
its the Republicans they were born to cheat, its in their DNA. I’m an American History buff its the children and grandchildren of the reactionary republicans who tried to Hog tie FDR and not allow him to save our world from Hitler. google its true. long live the Progressives and liberals who saved us and their children and grandchildren. Samuel Adams is my Patriot of the Men who fought for freedom
I believe that’s inevitable. Its just a matter of when it starts, and to a lesser degree, how aggressively he goes after them. I say a lesser degree, because after he is impeached and it moves to the Senate, Trump is going to go off the hook in ways we have never seen before. And that will definitely include lashing out and blaming everyone who he determines hasn’t fully defended him (which eventually, will be everyone).
This just shows me that much like House Goopers these Republicans have no gameplan to defend the Asshole-in-Chief. One minute they’re telegraphing it’ll be over before you know it and will be summarily dismissed by Moscow Mitch as soon as possible, and the next minute they’re talking about dragging it out to cause interference in the Democratic nominating process. If this is a trial balloon, good luck. The echo chamber they live in will not enlighten their decision, only determine which way they’ll go. Btw, has Hannity weighed in yet?
This isn’t about strategy, it’s about the primaries. He doesn’t have 100% on board right now because of those up in 2020 will be challenged in the primaries if they vote yes and lose the general if they vote no to impeachment.
This is mitch trying to make sure it looks 100% partisan.
Only True Believers are going to fall for that. So, go ahead! Make it clear that refusal to take Trump’s crimes seriously is a partisan principle you’re willing to die for, Mitch!
Oh yeah. When you see people flailing around like this they either can’t decide which way to jump or they didn’t have any good options in the first place. There are and will be mountains of evidence to show Trump flagrantly, gleefully guilty. The pro-Trump backlash has yet to materialize and seems to be a hope that’s guttering out at this point. Would cutting a deal and getting rid of him guarantee a soft landing? No way to know. And people here can talk about the feckless Democrats all they want but the Democrats I know locally are angry, organized, and on the march.
We’ll call the House impeachment process invalid and refuse to hold a trial.
OK, the impeachment process is valid, but we’ll invoke procedures to avoid an actual trial.
The goal will be to keep the Senate under GOP control.
We think the trial will run 6-8 weeks.
If the votes were secret, 30 GOP Senators would vote to convict.
Maybe we’ll drag this out to keep Dem Senators running in the primaries off the campaign trail.
Extending the impeachment would be fine with me. Our campaign seasons are way too long as it is. How many thousand times do we need to hear the same campaign ads and blurbs?