Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who is also a doctor, has similarly declined to wear a facial covering, arguing that he has “immunity” because he’d already had the virus.
Regardless of whether contracting the virus really does confer some degree of immunity on him, he clearly doesn’t give two sh*ts as to shedding some of the virus to others. Means nothing to him, he’s done his time, screw everyone else.
You also had the rise of prairie populism and socialism in the teens and 20’s.
The state bank of North Dakota was created back then and has been an effective and revered institution for years. Just don’t remind the Trumper Senator Cramer of that fact.
I ran into one of these morons at the dog park. Conversation started out pleasant but quickly devolved when he went on a rant about masks, scientists, the media etc. What makes these people so awful?
Read this thread. It encapsulates the incompetence of Trump and his entire administration. Republicans who continue to enable this fuckery are as culpable as he is for every death of an American due to Covid. Trump is killing us.
This whole anti mask thing baffles me. A simple cloth mask is easy to make or cheap to acquire.
Do these same people protest long standing and enforced DUI laws, commercial trucking equipment standards (like no bald tires or required break checks) and winter mountain pass chain laws because it interferes with their freedom to put themselves at risk without regard to others?