GOP Candidate Shared Conspiracy Theories Claiming Uvalde And Buffalo Shootings Were False Flags

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Paladino exemplifies the worse stereotypes of Italian Americans. Heck he probably wears a wife beater.

The police would have claimed it wasn’t their job to save a drowning man…er…stop a homicidal maniac.


When does it become a matter of obvious mental instability, and possible clinical paranoia that a supposedly adult man keeps making such insane claims? After 20 plus years of claiming that Democrats arguing to confiscate their precious guns, but nothing of the sort has EVER been proposed by anyone in government, to keep saying that seems a sign of mental illness.


Isnt it well known how bad for the environment it is to be burning phones!?
:fire: :fire: :phone: :iphone: :fire: :fire: :upside_down_face:


The Carlos Paladinos, a whole new sub-sub-species of sub-humans.

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Admirable initiative, poor (attempted) execution.


Oddly, the only type of person I would expect to mount a false flag incident like these would be a Republican.


The more you give it thought the more the claims of “false flags” appear to be false flags themselves. The guys yakking that shit obviously do not believe what they say. Instead they want to protect the gun industry ( because it protects them with $ ) so they attempt to lead folks away from the reality of gun carnage and do so with a false flag about false flags.


The candidate similarly claimed ignorance when contacted by local outlet News 4 on Tuesday.

“I don’t know what you’re referring to right now,” he said. “Somebody’s been able to post stuff at my Facebook, so we just terminated Facebook.”

Ok, this guy clearly seems to be despicable, and not to defend him, but if he’s also just “hip” enough to have (had some overworked staffer) set up a Facebook page and not smart enough, as a public figure, to make sure that the privacy/security was set to require approval before a post appears, it is entirely possible, and even likely, that someone else could have posted the screed to his timeline.

Nonetheless, it also seems likely he only took it down when challenged rather than “appreciated.”


“That wasn’t me,” the candidate said. “I told my secretary to remove it. It was just terrible and I would never write something like that.”

Dumb move Carl. He must have been taken in by some flimsy argument from an overweening staff member who told him it was a mistake – missed his chance to double down, get more publicity and make points with his base. What a loser.

Reminds me of the Shaggy song “Wasn’t Me”.

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He looks like a racist Mr. Roper…image

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There is a brutal mental illness in Congress. What if Paladino had a family member brutally slain and someone called it fake and a false flag with a crisis actor? What would he say to that?

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Err. terminated Facebook??
Bad word choice Carl.

A Goober claiming ignorance… Praps it should be termed stupidity instead.

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Like Fox, just catering to his audience

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Well said
And sadly it applies to many in Congress. And in politics in general. Even trump lied so expansively and to such a ridiculous extent that it was obvious from the start for all to see he was lying.

“Also, “I don’t even know how to post on Facebook,” he insisted.”

I’m just a caveman. Your world frightens and confuses me.


You have to love these guys who spout loudly, forcefully, and publicly about all of the things we should do with people who they think are wrong in society and then don’t have the basic character to own their statements when they are quoted back to them.

Petty cowardly stuff. Marjorie Taylor Green, are you listening?

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Hey hey hey: who can ever forget the day Obama took away our guns?