A quart of milk is often potable past its expiration date if it’s kept at a constant low temperature. Even then it’s not going to last 10-15 years.
If DiFi were a quart of milk I’d throw it out.
A quart of milk is often potable past its expiration date if it’s kept at a constant low temperature. Even then it’s not going to last 10-15 years.
If DiFi were a quart of milk I’d throw it out.
Thank you for telling me; that’s really awful.
I know when I got Lyme’s it was nasty, certainly, but it was terrible hearing how much worse it was for other people, esp. if they didn’t catch it right away.
That is what I had thought but I read shingles. Having suffered from shingles I can tell you it isn’t fun and you might have some some temporary congnative decline from the brutal pain. Eventually most people recover. I am sure Porter and Schiff would welcome congnitive decline.
I haven’t had shingles. I’ve had both shingles vaccines to try to avoid it. My mother had shingles twice, and two close friends had it once each. I never want to go through it.
I understand that the evidence of cognitive decline predates this bout with shingles, but I don’t follow CA politics closely enough any more to cite chapter and verse on it.
She’s missed 58 votes, has been out for two months, and has ground judicial nominations to a halt.
My plan was to live to 100 and now I’m pretty sure that won’t happen.
Why does she keep doing this, playing self-appointed classroom cop, the kind who just couldn’t stop reporting bad behavior to the teacher because “it was the right thing to do”, incurring everyone’s wrath and not actually helping anyone? Is she angling for a spot on this or another committee, or does she owe Feinstein or her senate allies a favor, or is trying to establish credit with them to get future favors? This just reeks of having one’s own agenda at the expense of the greater good. Not quite as bad as Sinemanchin, but still not good and I don’t see what good comes from this. Feinstein needs to step down NOW.
My mother lived to 96 and I’m not interested in a life that long when cognitive disability is present.
It’s a real quandary in this case — Diane has done a lot of good over the years she has served and nobody wants to take that away from her, or to appear unfeeling/ungrateful for all of that by seeming to appear to “force her out.”
On the other hand, by not recognizing herself that it is time to go, it leaves a bitter taste to see how much she has missed, and how important the stuff that she has missed was. It’s a sad end to her legacy that she can not/will not recognize that maybe it’s time to pass the baton.
We all loved and respected RBG, but there still, at least on my side, a certain bitterness (for lack of a better word) about her not bowing out when it was still possible to save her seat.
Sooner or later, we all have to realize that the best thing to do is to withdraw with grace.
Everyone experiences it differently, depending on their age, health state, genetics and other factors. I’ve recently had two bouts of it. It wasn’t fun but based on what I’ve read it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. The pain was unpleasant but bearable, and I was put on 4 different meds that worked well, an antiviral for the actual illness, an antibiotic in case there was a secondary skin infection since it was close to my eye, a steroid for the pain and inflammation, and a lotion to protect my eye.
Luckily it didn’t affect my eye, which could have been bad. It eventually went away, then recurred a month or two later, near my ankle on the same side of my body (which is usually the case as it’s an asymmetric illness) that was treated with another round of the same antiviral, and went away. But I noticed no clear cognitive issues either time. Then again I’m not 89 and not under the kind of stress that a US senator is under. For everyone’s good including her own, she really should resign.
Well, if Gillibrand is for Senator Feinstein remaining in the Senate, that’s another reason for me to want her to resign. I haven’t forgiven Gillibrand for unnecessarily ***-canning Al Franken.
Yeah, I know this attitude is probably “childish.” Oh, an update. Having read the earlier comments, I see that I’m not alone! Al Franken forever!
PFFT… Like I give a rats ass about anything Gillibrand has to say. She didn’t cut Al Franken any slack so she doesn’t deserve any either.
How many judges do we now have held up because of Feinstein’s ego.
Proving once again that some people are always fucking wrong. You’re lucky you still have your fucking seat after that shit you pulled with Franken, asshole. Now sit down and STFU.
It’s simple; my plan to live to 100.
Live to 99 and then be really really careful for a year.
Nancy Pelosi stepped down graciously which I know could not have been easy.
lol people who defend serial sexual harassers
wow a lot of people here are really ok with multiple sexual assaults huh
why is it so hard to believe that 9 different women experienced the same thing at the hands of the same man
Senator Feinstein needs to decide what her priorities are:
If she chooses #2 the admiration I had for her was misplaced.
Gillibrand is a hypocrite. She hounded Franken who shouldn’t have resigned and now she’s willing to sacrifice the judiciary for Feinstein, who should have resigned months if not years ago. I’m from SF and have loved what Feinstein did as Senator, though she was way too conservative a local SF politician for me, originally denying the city a domestic partner law. She evolved and earned my respect over the years. But, she’s no longer physically or mentally competent to serve and another Dem should be appointed who is. There are plenty of them. This is ego-driven and not a good way to end a career.