Georgia Election Board, Beloved By Trump, Keeps Cranking Out Rules That May Sow Chaos

Chaos is the only thing MAGA has since it is a rarity they are able to prove anything they say.


And, as recent history has shown us, that has nothing to do with whether they’ll try it anyway.


Did I mention…


Shhhh. Don’t tell them.


It seems the GOP really believes Kamala Harris will win Georgia. If they thought Trump would win [the state] outright, they wouldn’t be doing this.

The poster who commented about whittling away at the margins is absolutely correct (see also, deleting African-American citizens from Florida voting rolls before the 2000 election). The 2nd goal here is to try to deny Harris/Walz 270 electoral votes. And, as a cherry on top, sow chaos.

I’m extremely grateful to TPM for alerting us to this and reporting it. As a non-Georgia resident, I don’t have any ideas for what to do about it.


If any rabid red state actually plays out this script it will challenge the creative genius of the Seditionist Six on the Court. That pesky Constitution says the electors “shall sign and certify [the election results], and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate,” so as a first step they’ll have to find that the original intent of the word “shall” is permissive, not mandatory.

Once they dispatch with the dictionary definition and well understood meaning of “shall” they’ll have to find that “the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed” really means the number of electors who can be appointed, not the number who actually are appointed. Take out Georgia’s 16 EVs and Harris would need 262 to win. It gets much better if FL or TX were to embrace that level of stupid.

@sniffit @gregm91606 (North Hollywood?)



The highest criminal appeals court in Texas will reconsider the illegal-voting charge against a woman whose conviction and five-year prison sentence were overturned earlier this year.*

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals decided Wednesday that it would reexamine the case of Crystal Mason, a Fort Worth mother of three who cast a provisional ballot in 2016 and has said she did not know she was ineligible to vote. Her case drew national attention, with voting rights advocates worried about her lengthy sentence despite her vote never being counted.

*Gifted link. No paywall.

Just a reminder that life is good in The Villages for actual voter fraudsters. Curiously, there was never any hue and cry from MAGAt tough-on-crime Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL11). I wonder why that was?


There are no election results for the electors to sign until the counties have all certified, etc.

Also, while they still engage in sophistry to cover for their politicized decision-making, my sense is that as time has passed and they have become more enamored and comfortable with their total control over SCOTUS, CJ Colorblind and the Fascist Five have become increasingly lazy and brazen. Where they used to blow tons of smoke to cover for themselves and try to create justification and legitimacy for their decisions, they now just waft it lackadaisically.


It has been the case since time immemorial that not counting the other side’s votes could steal an election.

It doesn’t happen. You’re in dystopian fiction territory.

And you persist on arguing about whether it will succeed, rather than whether they’re setting it up to attempt it, which they blatantly are. Why? Apparently, because you have no response to the empirical evidence that supports the idea that they want to attempt it and are in the middle of doing so.

Incorrect. If all the votes are not in by the deadline, the SOS or whoever just tallies the votes that are in. Dallas County can’t stop trump from winning Texas by withholding its vote tally.

And in reality, any MAGA who tries to withhold certification is going to get corrected very quickly in court.


When did we switch from GA to TX? You might still be right about there being a stopgap/failsafe procedure, but weird switch.

And which court? Kacsmyrak’s or O’Connor’s?

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Because pointing out that it will never work is at least as important as pointing out that they’re haphazardly planning for it.


Why? I mean, I gather you’d really like to maintain faith in our systems, but they ARE failing all around us and it is precisely because of the relentless TRYING that it’s happening.

All it will take is ONCE.


Any precinct in Texas that doesn’t return its count and its ballots within 24 hours automatically gets its ballots seized and counted by the local district court.

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OK? That’s TX and we were talking about the dynamics of what they are setting up in GA as part of their attempts.

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I’ve a feeling that even Squeaky Fromme would find their actions excessive.

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Speaking of pointless exercises and foot-stomping tantrums, some anti-Dem goofball just got the convention discussion in the other thread shut down because they brought their toxic protest stuff into the thread, which caused exactly the kind of backlash they wanted.

Nothing like the loony left trying to extort their way into the party that they claim to revile, and then complaining even louder when they don’t get their way. Good grief,

As I’ve said before, there has never been a path to electoral victory for liberals that the far left won’t try to sabotage.

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“Is that so. Well I’ve got just the man to go after them.”


So… when people used to say “Trump will stay in power even if he loses” in 2020, I would reply, or think “well, of course he WANTS to stay in power, and is absolutely willing to break the law to stay in power, but there’s no way for him to logistically do that!”

I was wrong. The way for him to do that was to incite a violent riot on January 6, disrupt the counting for the entire day, while simultaneously get Mike Pence to be slavishly loyal to Trump and throw out states that Joe Biden won. Pence’s 0.01% of spine saved us. This time. But we can’t underestimate their blatant thuggery and ability to carry such thuggery out.