Georgia Appeals Court Disqualifies Fani Willis From Trump RICO Case

If they were as weak as Willis’s RICO case, absolutely we should expect the charges to fail on appeal. In real life, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has done no favor for Paxton (though the appellate courts bent over backwards to spring Tom DeLay).


How are Dems this incompetent? Every single Dem told me this was a nonissue and now the case is getting thrown out.

I’m losing nearly all faith in the party. The elders are talking about “working with” Trump after calling him a fascist for 4 years. You’re not supposed to work with fascists. We have nobody to inspire us to and tell us what to do to keep the fight going. The GOP line that Dems are out of touch coastal elites is becoming more true each day and I can’t believe we’re this tone deaf.

Our only hope is if Ben Wikkler becomes DNC chair because he’s the only one that understands how to organize.

Every single Dem? (case is not getting thrown out btw so that’s just a misreading, although it will fail)

No not at all - there were a number of voices even on this very very Partisan platform that said this was a bunglling in the making (ex. Txlawyer)

Now it is true the Very Very Progressive Partisans shouted down such criticism and went on and on with very-virtue-posturing-shut-down-any-criticism posturing like criticsm because she’s a strong black woman (as if woman or black were foundational to legal competence, and ignoring the very black NY team leaders did much much better foundational legal jobs without stepping on their own genitalia).

that’s not the Democratic Party’s fault nor “every single Democrat” - it is the fault of a very loud segment that has over the past … dunno, let us say 4-6 years gotten into a ready bad habit of engaging in what othres have called college campus activist strategies.

The blame as Silver, Yglesia etc have pointed is to that segment is there. That the Party has feared crossing “the Groups” of course is a big problem.

And political Reps working with the reality of Trump and the fact that Dems lost all Congress - well that’s Democracy. Actual democracy. Not Campus Activist sloganeering.

Trump is a bungler, he will bungle.

No reason for the Democrats in Congress to act as stupidly and childishly and self-harmingly as the damn Freedom Caucus.

Less Internet Drama LLama-posturing driven action, more cold-blooded calculation.

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I get that, but I don’t see how that matters here. I, as a taxpayer in Fulton County, may be wronged here, in that money may have been spent in an inappropriate manner by Willis. I do not, however, see how that affects the cases in any substantive way. How does this have anything to do with charges against Trump or the other criminals, and in what possible way would it change any of the facts, or their ability to get a fair hearing of said facts? Willis screwed up, without doubt; but this all seems like a deeply hypocritical GOP game of “gotcha,” and little else.

Being a self-serving chickenshit is incredibly easy when you’re surrounded by self-serving chickenshits.

I don’t think it affects the merits of the case at all; the facts are what they are. But as a practical matter it may just be very difficult for a replacement prosecutor to take the case to trial at this point (assuming whoever is appointed as her successor doesn’t simply elect to drop most or all charges).

That someone like Roman could suddenly emerge as a champion of public integrity, and get away with it to the end that he may ultimately escape prosecution, is nothing short of disgusting. But two judges of a three-judge appellate panel concluded that the facts place this case at the end of a continuum where disqualification is always necessary - and as you reside in GA and I do not, you presumably have a better sense than I about how SCOGA is going to rule.

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100% unforced error

Much as creatures of the genus ursus are wont to defecate in environs sylvan, so would a GOP trickster like Roman leave no stone unturned in undermining his adversary.

Agreed but she’d have been off script. The script calls for a serial offender to walk scott free by all means other than a finding of innocence. Prosecutorial fuck up was her role in all that. Cannon and a spineless DOJ were also acts in the show. Then the election and down came the curtain.

I’m surprised it took this long. Fanni should have bailed with Wade of her own volition and let this play out to its likely end which is Trump walks. History will be the final Judge and she marred that by sticking around.

I think a savvy defence lawyer could make the case that prosecuting this matter was personally lucrative for these two idiots and that may have motivated the continuation of that prosecution. Judgement was obviously in question as well.

In the end Fanni and Wade performed a remarkable and effective defense of a guilty as shit POS. Judges may have seen that needing fixing or being shut down as a waste of DA resources.

More effective??? LOL. The NY prosecutors are begging the judge (whos making a show of some backbone for now) for no sentence at all after they got a conviction.

They suggest to use the method like when a convict dies after a conviction, to put a little asterisk next to the conviction.

What was the point of any of it when the prosecutors are begging the judge to toss the conviction and ensure the convict is protected from any consequences!

How do you explain the lawyers pleading guilty, admitting guilt and apologizing? Did they just imagine their own guilt?

Were the lawyers too unfamiliar with the law to understand a guilty plea?

This TPM crowd is quick to nod their heads along with Republican judges rulings, condemning the immoral black woman is more important than preventing stolen elections.

No one said shit about her race or morality but you.


I agree with your comments, but also understand that if Willis was a white man, there would have been no problem. The GA courts would not have bothered with it.

Seem to recall someone - Orwell, I think his name was - say something about smelly little orthodoxies. No wonder we’re getting beat up.

That’s quite a presumption. Based on what? This is entirely her fuck up.

And if Gerry Connolly were, oh, a Black woman, we would hear none of the whining as we have at TPM. Or the remote possibility that Connolly may be - gasp! - better at his new leadership role.

The toxicity of identity politics - with a complete amnesia of what Martin Luther King, Jr. actually said throughout his life.


That’s complete bullshit. Fat Hitler and his henchmen went nuts for weeks because of Merchan’s fucking daughter’s politics. They invent pretexts they can use to beat opponents into submission. You think they’d look the other way if Willis was a white dude? Come on man, don’t waste our time. That’s just wishful thinking bordering on gullibility.

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Bill Clinton is a white man, but he got impeached because of a blow job.


I’ve heard there were two of them involved…