I hope it stays in the news for a while. Maybe then HRC will play her role and support the ‘D’ candidate and stop whining about what should have been. Plus Chelsea’s $10 million grift is now in the news.
After Tulsi is defeated in the Democratic Primary and loses her seat in Congress, I expect her to show up on FOX as a “Political Consultant” labeled as a “leading Democrat” as she reads whatever is on the teleprompter and counts her 30 pieces of Silver.
What with this one and Nunes and that punk kid in Kentucky we’re soon going to surpass the limits of normal arithmetic and get into realms only kid numbers can describe. So you’ll get papers that “serve to inform you my client is seeking damages in the amount of eleventy billion kachillion gazillion dollars…” and so forth.
Meanwhile, why aren’t we seeing like 100 of these lawsuits on faux and its people for the non stop lies/smears they pump out every day. Maybe those who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on ads could start funding lawsuits.
Frivolous law suits are just that. Frivolous. No point in our people wasting money on lawyers in cases that go nowhere when they could be using it to win their elections.
Well they got money to burn, and if it burns faux news’s money, then that is money well spent. Also if both sides are doing it then maybe we can get a change in the laws to stop it, but if its just one side then its not going to stop.
Edit: and in a lot of cases it wouldn’t even be frivolous.