A group of former D.C. federal prosecutors demanded in an open letter that U.S. Attorney for D.C. Timothy Shea state that his office won’t be used as a political tool against President Trump’s enemies.
He can resist, go through the insinuations of corruption and disloyalty, followed by full-throated tweets about his incompetence and doxxing, shunning by polite society.
Or he can take the easy path well-worn by so many Republicans.
While this letter will be ignored, the mere publicity over its existence is a good thing. “Sunshine is the best disinfectant” someone wise said a long time ago. Shine a light on the bacterial infection in our government.
I appreciatie the letter and its sentiments but I just don’t think it will carry any weight with Mr. Barr. For him, it will be full steam ahead…we have an election to win by any means necessary!!!
Right now, Barr has to decide how busy he wants to be defending himself against the scrutiny of the legal licensing system for his actions and statements after these salad days of the Trump administration come to an end.
That is why I am amazed at people trying to throw a wet blanket on what these former prosecutors are doing.
In the coal mining towns of England in the worst (Dickens-like) days of the Industrial Revolution, the co-op (running stores, etc.) movement started. By even nineteenth century standards, the stores were pitiful.
But they succeeded.
Just maybe these prosecutors will be the genesis of something bigger…but everything has to have a start
The letter is a good way to publicly point at what we all know to be true. However, until Trump is expelled from office, the DOJ is completely politicized by the crook Barr. It’s just a fact, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The only cure is the Democrats winning in November.
As of Friday Feb. 28, Finland had testing kits deployed to all hospitals and clinics nationally and was preparing for the rush. All this with 2 confirmed cases.
Suomen sairaaloissa on hyvä valmius tutkia ja hoitaa koronavirusinfektioita eristysolosuhteissa. (Finland’s hospitals are well prepared to study and treat coronavirus infections in isolation wards).
You know, that really is the only fucking sentence that should be coming out of anybody in the Trump administration’s mouth. We should be hearing that after deploying test kits nationally four weeks ago like in Finland (of course, the Trump administration didn’t do this, bungling the test kit rollout). The only sentence we need at this point is.
America’s hospitals are well prepared to study and treat coronavirus infections in isolation wards.
that the Office no longer is able, nor can it be trusted, to act independently,” the letter reads.
This letter is a day late and a dollar short as we already know that the above corruption is occurring.
Call for a special prosecutor outside of the control of the executive branch to investigate, indict and prosecute political corruption within the DoJ. Anything less is weak tea.