Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has a story to counter allegations that he faces a federal criminal investigation into accusations of sex trafficking.
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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has a story to counter allegations that he faces a federal criminal investigation into accusations of sex trafficking.
Just wondering if the elder Gaetz is as complete a waste of life as his son?
Sonny didn’t learn to be a creeper out of nowhere.
I think we all have a lot of questions about Matt’s story.
McGee is a startlingly odd choice to accuse of offering a Biden pardon. The sole contribution by McGee found on Open Secrets is one for $250 to a Republican…
(I’m assuming this is THE David McGee – he’s the only Florida attorney by that name listed on Open Secrets, and “Gulf Breezes” is directly across the Bay from Pennsacola – where his law firm (Beggs and Lane) is headquartered.)
It turns out I was pretty close last night about what happened. McGee DID have a discussion with Gaetz’s father, about the trouble that little Matty was in… From the TPM article…
McGee told the Washington Post that he did meet with Gaetz’s father.
“If there is a tape, play the tape,” McGee said. “There is nothing on that tape that is untoward. It is a pleasant conversation of a dad concerned about his son and the trouble his son was in.”
last night I speculated that:
Daddy Gaetz hears that little Matty is about to be arrested for “transporting minors across state lines for immoral purposes” and contacts McGee. McGee tells him that his law firm isn’t about to touch this case, but that with a sufficient retainer McGee would be willing to separate himself from the firm, and defend little Matty…
Talking of the Pro… I mean FBI,
After an FBI agent contacted Biggs in late July 2020 and he met with two agents at a restaurant, the filing claims, Biggs agreed to feed the agency information about antifascist activists, both in Florida and elsewhere. Hull, who is petitioning a judge to keep Biggs out of jail pending trial, said the agents wanted to know what he was “seeing on the ground.” Afterward, an agent asked follow-up questions in a series of phone calls, and Biggs answered them.
“They spoke often,” added Hull.
Biggs enjoyed similar arrangements with law enforcement officials in Oregon, Hull claimed. He routinely spoke with local and federal law enforcement officials in Portland about rallies he was organizing there in 2019 and 2020, and sometimes received “cautionary” phone calls from FBI agents.
It all stinks to high hell!!!
Don’t forget that Matt and Ms. Rub-n-Tug hung out at Mar-a-GoGo together…
A lot more shoes to drop here, I believe.
Forget it Josh, it’ Florida!
Bizarre is the norm for most things coming out of Florida.
Does anyone besides me seem to remember Gaetz having this real weird and deep abiding obsession with all things Anastasia Occasio Cortez after she got elected to Congress?
Now seems to make some sense (in the way the mindset of some stalker can make some sense).
The Gaetzs’ story has more holes in it then a slice of Swiss cheese.
You betcha! As crooked as the day is long.
The thing that makes no sense to Gaetz’s story is that:
A former kingpin in the Florida State Senate…
So, the ultimate Florida man, I’m a guessin’
It’s a good day when bad shit happens to bad shits.
The schaden freudeth over
(with apologies to @irasdad)
Of course. While he was in the Florida State Senate, he was its wealthiest member. And he got his money by setting up a large network of non-profit hospices that took advantage of Medicare/Medicaid preferences for non-profits, then once the money started flowing, selling them off to a for-profit operator for $400 million.
The first rule of TPM is: You do not apologize to @irasdad
The second rule of TPM is: You do not talk about TPM.