I recall that Flynn copped a plea when investigators were after his son. On another note, one has to wonder how someone like Flynn got promoted up the ranks. Can we see his military personnel file?
This circus has gone beyond the 3 rings in the big top…it would be great to start getting to real legal proceedings with consequences for conviction…that phase seems a long time into the future…next November’s GOP engineered election process may squelch all of these proceedings…bury the progess that has been made…
I attribute that to your crippling shyness.
I’m familiar with the delightful Meet Me In St. Louis version of the song.
Even if I was a shallow, racist, bleach blonde ‘influencer’ - I think her husband’s directive to raise a generation of violent men must have given her pause.
Wow, I never knew the romans were into hoop skirts.
If you don’t have a lot of sitting to do, they are quite comfortable.
Christmas is generally a fairly fraught holiday for me at best: and the more wistful the version, the better…
Naughty and nice!
I can’t think of a better 20th-century Christmas song. Thanks for the background.