Rump has him by the balls.
I dunno about that…but he’s certainly a myopic, self-serving fucknut
Way to go with the optimism and confidence. Sometimes I think we don’t need enemies, being our own worst ones.
How could someone in charge of intelligence be so obviously unintelligent? I guess it’s the good ole white boys network at work again. They protect their own, merit and character be damned.
I’m not your enemy just because I recognize the GQP is going to get away with rigging our elections systems in their favor by 2022…or at least by 2024. Joe Manchin is straight-up helping them get it done. I mean, fuck, our election systems are ALREADY rigged in the GQP’s favor. That’s going to get much MUCH worse…and there is LITERALLY nothing we can do to stop it but reach the point of taking up arms. You realize that yet?
I think the key is the stress on the middle class - in the western nations, there’s a huge loss in stability and security of the working middle that had come to depend on that stability and the possibility of improving futures for themselves and their children, while in the second world countries, the growth of the middle class is being thrown into turmoil also thwarting the dreams of a younger generation. Unfortunately, the poor have always been with us and the rich have always thrown their weight around. It’s the middle class that is watching their world collapse. Until that is addressed in an equitable and easily visible (to the masses) manner, the turmoil and upheaval will continue.
More succinctly, Manchin is getting played.
SMEs can often be incredibly stupid and clueless about literally everything else. It’s like they focused all their brain cells on that one thing they’re good at, at the expense of everything else. Give me a good generalist to run things any time.
I agree, they don’t have it. Who organizes them all? Who chooses the targets, and what will they be? Will they attack whatever it is openly, or in secret? If openly, how do they go on living in their neighborhoods? Describe this hypothetical “pretty serious attempted putsch” to me and I’ll tell you how they putschers get turned into strawberry jam in about 17 seconds. A bunch of grumbling wingnuts doth not an army make. That dude in St. Louis didn’t even know how to hold his rifle, and his good wife clearly had no idea how to hold a pistol. She looked like she was watering geraniums in a window box. I’m telling you they might want to do it, but I don’t see how they get there. People want lots of dumb things.
Thanks for proving my point with the overheated hysteria. And, not MY enemy, but OUR enemy.
Where do I mail the white towel?
Ooh, that would be: 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition
(a) Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) with intent to usurp or override lawful [military] authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny; (nope, not that one, but calling out to Gen Milley),
(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;
(this is the one)…
Flynn’s statement was essentially a trial balloon to judge support. They would never admit that they really want a coup until they have enough support to carry it out.
Nothing hysterical about it. I’m perfectly calm and, like Joe Manchin, will be able to comfortably weather the disaster Joe Manchin is bringing down upon us.
And of course Flynn has his brother Charles at the Pentagon well situated to accommodate a second attempt to overthrow American democracy just as he did by delaying the deployment of the National Guard on 1/6. This is not a drill.
Oh, no doubt. There are millions like Flynn, reasonably talented but everyone warns you to stay off politics with them. And being a generalist is huge too. I’ve worked over the years with a lot of executive director types who need a lot of knowledge and multiple skills to do their jobs, and it’s a superpower.
I blame Reagan. Everything he and his backers set in motion, the (Christian) radicalization of a traditional political party, their demonization of government, regulation, and Democrats, has led us here. The deficits they ran up, the weakening of restraints on corporate influence, and their attacks on cornerstones of civic life led to the gutting of education and social services that had as one consequence the collapse of historical, political, and economic knowledge and its replacement with superstition, propaganda, and paranoia, i.e., precisely what public education was meant to dispel. Their twin motivations–racism and greed–persist and have only gotten more explicit. Possibly we are stuck in a cycle as you suggest; it’s hard to see a way out as long as an entrenched wealthy white minority of American society consider those motivations legitimate.
They’d probably attempt an attack on one or more important federal installations and leaders. That’s what they’ve tried in the past, e.g. Capitol, Oklahoma City. But whatever, wherever and whomever they attack, they might have certain limited successes, but they’ll ultimately fail, UNLESS there’s significant and serious buy-in by law enforcement at the local, state and federal level AND in the military, by grunts, NCOs and officers. Which, of course, wouldn’t be an insurrection or putsch so much as a coup. Which is not entirely out of the question at this point.
My biggest fear about any current or future investigation of and attempt to deal with the 1/6/21 event, aside from political inference by Repubs and some Dems trying to put on the brakes so as to not offend those delicate imaginary swing voters, is attempts by sympathetic insiders in law enforcement and the military to help them out. We know there are some. How many, and how bad it is, I have no idea. But the paranoid, racist and tribal streak runs through our society and no aspect of it is immune, as anyone who’s had any experience in life knows. Sometimes reality really is like a David Lynch movie.
I wearily rise to again play the devil’s advocate. Clearly this is a subculture where saying the craziest stuff is rewarded with the highest status. When he’s confronted with a different subculture, like the reality-based one, he backpedals and says he never said any such thing. He’s Michael Flynn, he says crazy shit all the time.