Flynn Could Serve 0-6 Months For Lying To FBI But Probation Is ‘Reasonable,’ Feds Say | Talking Points Memo

Just hours after former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn argued in a court filing that prosecutorial misconduct in his case had been so egregious that it warranted dismissing the case entirely, prosecutors backed away from the harsh language they’d used in months past and said probation would be a “reasonable” sentence for Flynn.

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How about tacking on a few years for dragging this out so long and being a traitor? If he doesn’t serve jail time then when a real AG gets in charge of the DOJ there needs to be a investigation.

This reminds me of how Epstein was treated in FL.


So how is this change warranted given what he did and what he confessed to and accepted the guilty plea?

This doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t bode well for anything or anyone coming down the pike.

I guess I need the legal minds to explain to me how this is reasonable?


Barr is making it so drump doesn’t have to pardon him. Its corruption, pure and simple. He is getting a light sentence to keep quiet.


Does he retain his military pension and veteran benefits?


Is probation enough for someone who disgraced the uniform he wore, undermined his colleagues and acted against his country’s interest? Is the shame enough punishment? I don’t think so, but maybe the case can be made.


Zero is good. Let’s go with zero. And a big ole bag of money. Because - consequences? What are those anyway? He thought what he was doing was in the national interest, so no crime at all.


Being a white person with friends in high places is so wonderful. Just thrilling actually.


This calls for an investigation into exactly how and why the sentencing recommendations changed. Barr is obviously behind this. He is the most dangerous man in the Republic.

I hold out hope that the trial judge will see through this and ignore the sentencing recommendations.


To be fair, probation usually would be reasonable in most circumstances, but I don’t think the judge is going to let him escape at least some time, even if it’s just a symbolic couple of weeks, after the shit he pulled.


This is certainly coming from Trump via Barr or Barr anticipating his owner’s wishes.

Can Judge Sullivan demand to see all DoJ communications pertaining to these changes in Flynn’s sentencing? Can Sullivan ignore DoJ and hand out a stiff sentence?


He can ignore them for sure, if he chooses to.


That son of a bitch should be spending 6 mos. in front a firing squad. Probation? Fuck that.

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Yes to both. As to the former, if the Judge wanted, he could just put the DOJ lawyer on the spot in the middle of the courtroom and ask him outright who ordered him to change positions.


Not a chance that a Democrat could act as Turkey’s secret agent while holding National Security clearance; make secret phone calls with Putin; lie to the FBI; spend two years fucking up the DOJ; show no contrition–and emerge with a probation recommendation. Zero, zero, zero chance.


Yes, and if he was black and caught with a gram of rock cocaine in his pocket 5 years at Riker’s would be deserved.


“Based on all of the relevant facts and for the foregoing reasons, the government submits that a sentence within the Guidelines range of 0 to 6 months of incarceration is appropriate and warranted in this case, agrees with the defendant that a sentence of probation is a reasonable sentence and does not oppose the imposition of a sentence of probation,” the memo concluded.


Obviously, there has been a change at DoJ willing to give into this bullshit. This should make people mad. Once again, white man’s justice where the offender gets off easy. He should be tried as a traitor to the United States, yet instead he may get fucking probation???

No words.


So, basically, we now know that Barr has his hand rammed well up the ass of the SDNY AUSA’s office now and is operating it’s mouthparts like Edgar Bergen.


Is it too late for this self-destructive screwball to go with a plea of NGRI? Seems like it would reach sympathetic ears at this point.


I say this fool should get the whole 6 months. “Lock him up” after all.
If you locked him in a cage with Rand Paul for 6 days I would accept that too.