If we could only stop buying their potatoes…
Interesting. A longer life expectancy along the southern border.
Well, they say walking is good for you, so I guess walking a baby and a couple of kids across two or three countries is great for your health.
Houstonites should try walking to Guatemala.
Even if there was a law like that it would only apply to judges, and Justices of the Supreme Court would use it as “guidance” only…
Under His Eye
No, but it directly violates the 5th Amendment.
The right to travel is a part of the “liberty” of which a citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment .
Said that as he was throwing stare decisis out the window
It’s sad. Idaho is a beautiful part of the US, and I was considering retiring there, but there are too many fuckheads.
Knock them up really, really young and then force them to have babies.
AKA - “Christian”.
But now there’s a law that had to pass through the legislature and governor’s office, so that’s “due process” right?!? sheesh
ETA: the “sheesh” is frustration with this stupid law, not with YOUR comment, @thunderclapnewman
A state version of the Mann Act. It will be interesting to see the knots the Supreme Court will tie itself into to uphold this nonsense.
I’m reminded of 9/11, and George Bush “having” to suspend free speech in order to protect it.
Not that many people live in Idaho.
Just ignore them.
Idaho was already trying to foist COVID patients it could not handle on hospitals here in Oregon, now they are trying to prevent young women with unwanted pregnancies from coming to Oregon to get medical care. Funny how their tune changes depending on the nature of the medical care needed.
I think even this Supreme Court knocks this down. You can’t ban people from freely traveling from your state to do something lawful in another state.
I’ll admit I’m curious which justices are good with this. Thomas and Alito are likely a given.
That’s what I was wondering. Armed guards stop every vehicle with a female between the ages of 10 and 60 for a pregnancy test? How will authorities ascertain whether traveling females are going for healthcare-not-including-abortion or shopping? Will they microchip all ID females like they do with their other livestock? How are Idahoans tolerating this perversion?
Did I mention…
This is going to get spendy for Idahoan females if they eventually must seek ob/gyn services outside the state. It’ll get spendy in a Big Gov’t way for all Idahoan (human citizenss and chattel citizens alike) if they have to hire border patrols and pregnancy testing along the perimeter. That lege is insane.
They lean a lot on the premise that minors do not have rights, but are their parents’ responsibility (read chattel).
a rapist
And fail to observe that all underage pregnancies involve a rapist.
I’m gonna go with “C. Both of the above.”
The Idaho law tries to sidestep this issue by only criminalizing the part of the trip to another state that takes place within Idaho. This ban may prove the test case in whether the Supreme Court will accept that fairly flimsy workaround as a blueprint for other states to follow.
Because – though I am neither a lawyer nor a constitutional scholar – I cannot imagine how this kind of middle-schooler “gotcha” crap could possibly be allowed to stand and still have an Interstate Commerce Clause at the end of it.
It’s like a Zeno’s States’ Rights Paradox. “It ain’t interstate commerce until it leaves this state; but in order to do so, it first has to get halfway to the state line…”
And if Idaho can do it, so can California. Think about all the commerce that arrives or departs via West Coast ports.
Another state I will not set foot in.