Yes, as long as there’s some reasonable temporal separation. But the payment part needs to be structured as buying the exlusive rights to the story, in part to protect the payee against allegations of blackmail.
Always be suspicious of someone who claims to be no friend of [insert name], then moves on to the apologist tropes…
Yeah, it definitely has the Glen Greenwald style “Trump, whom I do not support” feel, but a spot check of the commenting history didn’t reveal a clear RWNJ so I’m reserving judgement.
“at the heart of this is consensual sex between adults” of which one adult, realizing that if the liaisons came to light, they could impair his Presidential prospects, and so conspired with others to violate a state prohibition on creating false business records, so he could continue to lie to gullible voters about his character.
IOW, if you’re a star they let you do it.
Sounds like a business opportunity. “I’m not a pimp, I’m a publisher. These girls are selling exclusive rights to their stories is all.”
That’s, Frist.
There could be a problem, depending on what Ms. Clifford told Mr. Tacopina when she consulted with him (the American Bar Association has a model rule 1.18 that addresses the problem of conflicts as they involve prospective clients, but I do not know whether the state that admitted Mr. Tacopina to practice has adopted it - I could check but I am busy monitoring the Chicago mayoral race results and the SCOWI news; please forgive me).
For purely cynical reasons, though, I am fine with Mr. T staying on.
technically, there was nothing stopping him from buying stormy’s story with his own money, which would have been perfectly legal, save him being an inveterate cheapskate.
no dice
Too bad, 'cause Trump doesn’t have any friends, and it sounds like the two of you would get along great.
My kind of first. Keep it going.
Kinda hard to sully the name of a porn star…
None of the very prestigious attorneys, former prosecutors, et al. whom I have heard comment agree with you. As for me with no legal training, trying to influence the outcome of an election is a grave crime that should be prosecuted.
I wonder why Lindsey Graham, Gym Jordan, Mike Lindell, Mike Flynn, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor did not show up armed to protest, protest, protest on behalf of Skanky. They could have also used the opportunity to threaten the judge, the prosecutor and their families in person. They are spineless cowards not willing to take a stand for the Chosen One. Skanky Jr. was quite explicit and mob boss-like in his threats, however. No wonder law and order conservatives love him so much.
Separately, we have the unprecedented situation where Wanky and Cuck Kushner now have fathers-in-law who have been indicted.
Uh, NYC does not take kindly to unpermitted gun toters, and would give them a least a weekend’s visit to the Tombs.
Isn’t Hillary’s father in law a felon? Not certain that’s an argument you want to make about Trump, although the alleged or suspected crimes committed by his children and their spouses are many, related to his own alleged crimes and thus certainly relevant.
Yes, his mother’s third husband was convicted of tax fraud. His biological father and the step-father whose last name he took seem okay. He had a complicated family environment.
Yes. And regarding cheapskating loutishness, Mrs. Thespian is appalled at Ms. McD’s measly payoff.
This is like the antipasto before the next two courses. Just a warm up for the main dishes.
It will irritate him every day and there is absolutely nothing that he can do about it. It seems impossible that he will be able to avoid a gag order. As this occupies his infantile mind, the next two indictments are working their way through the legal system. He will have no peace for the rest of his pathetic life and will need a scheduling system like the airlines have to manage his court appearances. Good times.