Firm Sued For Recruiting Former Special Ops To Patrol Minnesota Polling Places | Talking Points Memo

A private security contractor now faces a lawsuit in federal court over its effort to recruit former special operations forces to patrol polling places in Minnesota.

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You’d have to be an idiot to take the job, and jeapordize your federal pension by conducting voter intimidation.


We don’t need “independent security contractors” to protect voters, in fact we don’t need or want anyone doing anything like that unless there is a specific issue where the intervention of the police is required. This was a brazen attempt to intimidate black voters, nothing more, and hopefully a judge sees through it and puts a stop to it.


Good lord…talk about not being able to let go…I’ve seen less regressive clinginess trying to break a toddler from their blanky. These fucking people are pathetic.


Glad to hear of the lawsuit. I didn’t see any comments in favor of this group when the story was first posted in the Mpls paper. We felt insulted as we take pride in our peaceful elections as well as voter turnout which is one of the best in the nation.

We have very limited open carry in this state, and I’m sure it wouldn’t be allowed for yahoos from other states. We have no reciprocity for concealed carry permits from elsewhere as well as no castle doctrine and definitely no stand your ground law!


This is all about big little man-boys who desperately want to play with their second amendment toys and play bully. Thankfully the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Minnesota are trying to stop them. I hope the judge(s) involved will see the wisdom of doing so, thus protecting the integrity of our elections – what is left of it.


True 'Dat.

Even the local Trump Sock-Puppets on the newspaper’s comment pages were saying this is not wanted and should not be allowed.
If ANYBODY is going to intimidate “the minorities” it’s going to be local Minnesota Rednecks! Not out-of-state mercenary yahoos! /s


It’s a good thing.


Wow. That’s quite the marketing image. Who would’ve thought that showing Santa Claus dressed out in cammo would be anything other than funny? If I saw that guy at the polls dressed up like that, I’d be openly laughing.
:laughing: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing:
I’d get away with it because I look like a cross between an immense Viking berserker and Bigfoot.


Doesn’t “security” have to be licensed by state and city?


Santa is a violent White Supremacist. He just is.

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This organization’s website looked like a con-man’s paradise. I think there were 3-4 employees.

But the kicker is, the applicants were told they had to fork over $300 first before being hired. Then, they had to be responsible for qualifying and paying for various Minnesota licenses…and paying their way to get there and hotels…then would be reimbursed up to $900 per day.

I seriously doubt they were going to be able to recruit lifers with a pension. Perhaps those doing a four-year hitch. (I believe the bio of the ring leader states he “completed his tour” aka a four-year stint.) Wonder how much money they’ll have to return to their corporate sponsors?


“Defendants’ objective is to further intimidate people with certain political beliefs from accessing polling locations through the presence of armed, highly trained, and elite security personnel,”

[Citation Needed]

They’re recruiting from Meal Team Six. Their recruiting standards are decided by this guy:

Jim, I notice that you only have five “tactical operator” attachments on your gear. While that is the minimum requirement for the Gravy Seals, here at Meal Team Six we hope for something better. Perhaps you could buy a set of “tactical” gloves and a “tactical” iPhone cover to show your commitment to the bit?


That lends support to the theory that this is a ruse, so that when local bangstick LARPers show up to intimidate at the polls, people will think they are ex-special forces.


Indeed. I believe “idiot” is in the job description, thus prospective employees remain blissfully unaware of such trifling details.


No need, from personal experience, these pieces of shit are cowards. I have always looked like the guy those ads would show getting sand kicked into my face. Weight was 117 lbs until well into my 30s. More than once in Vietnam, some loudmouth would make a comment about being led by someone that looked like me. It did not take long for those who had been in the unit even a week to put them straight. The rep has followed me into civi life, was told just recently that to look into my eyes when I was pizzed you saw death looking back. Guess some did because I have not found the need to defend myself since my military days.

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The article answers a question that has never been asked:

What Santa would look like in army fatigues.


I’m a little concerned about Santa LARPer invading people’s chimneys now. I may not leave out any cookies this year. And definitely no ammo belts.


Obvious question: who paid for this?

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Looks like Mike Beltran has his Halloween costume all squared away

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