Fiona Hill Recalls Pigtails On Fire | Talking Points Memo

Doubtful that transcription software made this error — such programs utilize statistics such as word frequency and context. “Rain” would probably have been the guess of a transcription program because it is far more widely used than “rein” or “reign” (all homophones — words which sound alike).

This was far more likely to be human.


I noted several years ago that TPM, and especially Josh himself, are prone to homophone errors. I guessed then that the culprit might be dictation software. Still seems that way.


I think they’re prone to many errors, just the spellchecker catches the non-homophone ones. Spellchecker also misses the inapt cliché howlers.


Less than a minute?

Wow. On the one hand, I can’t believe I caught it in just that minute or so. On the other hand, I guess someone was bound to, and it just happened to be me. Weird. Or maybe it was in Wikipedia’s cache longer.

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I was born in northern England, and the women there are TOUGH! My sister and I have often wondered why that is, but it is a fact. Life was tough - sort of like West Virginia. There was poverty and hardship - a lot of black lung, tb, high infant mortality. My grandmother had 11 babies, and only 4 grew beyond the age of 18. Survival of the fittest.


The fact that she has gotten so far, considering her background, increases my respect for her even more. She had to become an adult at a very early age.

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Another obvious possibility, of course, is that you wrote it!


Not to mention “Weird”!

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Leftie “Journalist” Josh Marshall Outed as Homophone


“Lordy, I hope there are tapes.”


You would think they would learn, just as they said about Obama’s birth announcement in the Honolulu newspaper, his parents put it in there to prove he was born there on the outside chance he would someday be president.


I wish. If I had, though, I’d have admitted it - because, “D’oh, busted!” would have been a much funnier response.

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A possibility, but some of the homophone errors are so clear to almost any human reader that they seem likely to have been induced by a transcription of voice recording, not in original typed input.

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