It’ll be 24/7 looped on TV for the entirety of election season.
You know they are in trouble when one of their own tries to put the brakes on the crazy. I believe the RW has devolved into a crisis play, in it to fleece the rubes and string them along. Bannon is one of the big bad faces of the con.
I think “more expensive” may be the really operative words.
You sure it wasn’t Sum Ting Wong?
If they really didn’t matter, Dems could win without them.
Texas voters want to have done to them what Abbott has done to them. That’s the entire appeal of being as Republican. Harm to people. They accept they’re going to get hurt, but are happy with it because others get hurt in the process.
A year is the maximum and he’s a first-time offender (also FWIW, the Morning Memo is calling it a $1,000 fine). My guess is he’ll get a month or two, and milk it for all its worth for his podcast after he’s released. It will still be worthwhile as a warning to others like Meadows, who probably won’t want to go through it.
And don’t forget Cabbage Patch Dolls, XBox, PlayStation…! Yes, I believe some of these shortages are contrived to drive up prices.
Two counts. And I’m betting he’s going to piss off the judge just like Flynn, Manafort, and Stone.
He’s trying to set a narrative that he’s a “political prisoner”. It might work. Whole lotta dumb fuck out there. CRT, Antivax, book banning, bothsidesism. I could go on.
Tell me about it - the recently lowered the age for minors to hunt unaccompanied to 14 years old, 12 years old if accompanied. They’re wanted to lower that even further.
Wisconsin law generally provides that for hunting purposes, the minimum age for possession or control of a firearm is age 12.4 A person age 12 but under age 14 may not hunt without being accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or a person at least 18 years of age who is designated by the parent or guardian.5 A young person 12 to 14 years of age also may possess a firearm if he or she is enrolled in instruction under the state hunter education program and is carrying the firearm in a case, unloaded, to or from that class, or is handling or operating the firearm during that class under the supervision of an instructor.6
Jury instructions will be “Go find him not guilty, and do it quickly. My metamucil is getting warm.”
If you need anything more than checkers and Lincoln Logs you’re a spoiled brat.
That probably started on Fox and Friends.
Did they clarify if that applies to four-legged targets only, or extends to two-legged ones…
And the authorities will want to make Bannon an object lesson to other dimwitted wingnuts by giving him a near maximum sentence on both counts, to be served consecutively.
He can afford the $100,000 fine, but he cannot withstand prison time.
Oh, they can’t do that. If they’re out hunting bear, they stand on two legs.
You had Lincoln Logs? When we were small we only had sticks and rocks.
Not once does he say that the election was fair, that they had been duped by deliberate lies and what he does say is that the president, his minions, and the news can not be held accountable for the actions of individual people that day.