Fifty States, Fifty Different Answers On Who Will Get The Vaccine When | Talking Points Memo

And it got shot down almost immediately by Republican state authorities.


And that’s mattered before exactly when? They’ll still use it as a platform to go to court and challenge the vote. And the suit will get thrown out. And it’ll get appealed…

We have seen this for the last month or two.

Facts don’t matter and everyone is in on the conspiracy to keep Trump from a second term. Everyone.

[sigh] Frustrating.

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It is a complete dumpster fire. I take the NY Gov’s aide’s point that there is an additional shit show careening towards the dumpster fire already in progress, but they need to get shots they have in arms. Stat.

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The United States in Stupidity and Obfuscation, the USSO.

According to my state’s informational website, I’m in group 1b, eligible to receive the vaccination (because I’m old) along with health-care people.

My massage therapist yesterday told me that because he is a licensed HCP, he got an (unsolicited) email with a form to fill out in order to get a slot at our area’s vaccination center.

I called my doctor’s office and asked how I could obtain such a form. They were absolutely lacking in any concern or information. “We don’t know when we’ll get the vaccine.” I said that I was eligible now and vaccine is available now. All I got was a shrug.

I called the hospital that is the area’s vaccination center. At least the person answering the phone seemed interested in the problem. She checked with several others, but the best she could come up with was to check the county website and their own website, and to keep calling.

If I get up enough energy later, I will attempt to contact Indiana’s state health department to see if THEY know anything. Meanwhile, I have a pasture to clean. It’s a shit show out there, but at least it’s a shit show I can deal with successfully.


What vaccine?

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Texas is a fucking mess. Tarrant Co. which is a lot smaller than Dallas Co., keeps getting much bigger shipments of vaccine than Dallas and I can just guess why that is. Nobody knows anything; Dallas co. set up a website finally to register for a vaccination that nobody knows when or where it will be administered. The state has said it’s working on a website that won’t be ready until the end of January. It takes a month to set up a website.


“There’s no one answer to when the COVID-19 vaccine will be available. Instead, there are fifty.”


Oh, stop it. You really think 80 million people are just going to sit quietly by and let the GOP just run amok over everything?

They’re doing their little pissing contests and shit for show, and that’s all they’ve got. If they actually tried to do more than something performative, the streets would be full and cities burning in short order.


There are more than fifty because it’s county by county here.


(yeah, I was just quoting the lede of the article under discussion here to respond to the question “what vaccine.”)

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Yep. The Republican idiots in Washington have passed this to the Republican idiots in Austin, who in turn are shoving it over to the locals (most of whom are Republican idiots).


Typical Trump Shitshow

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My hospital is well ahead of things, and all employees have to have themselves vaccinated, or fill out some “I’m a kook” form, by Monday.

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Old high school classmate and neighbor growing up shows up in my FB feed (use to be friends and he changed accounts and disappeared from my “world” for a while) in my other high school friends postings.

He keeps telling everyone that Biden will never be president. That Shitgibbon tried to do right by offering the GA SOS the chance to “come clean” and ended up trapping him into lying on THE phone call.

Dude has gone bonkers and facts mean nothing to him. And sad thing is there is a whole bunch of folks from my high school days (late '60s) who are paddling the same fucking boat.


Once again, I’m extremely thankful for Governor Beshear. My dad got the first shot on 12/28. Every KY healthcare worker (that I know of) in my Facebook timeline has gotten the vaccine already. Having a good governor during this pandemic can easily be the difference between life and death.


So inevitably it is going to be way more than 50 answers. In the absence of a federal strategy, and with the states largely bankrupt, this is going to be pushed down to towns, local health districts, businesses, universities, and other institutions. It’s going to be a free-for-all, with the people with the most pull cutting in line. Some of that of course is inevitable. It’s not like anything is perfectly fair. But I predict this is going to be way more every man for himself than usual, and one result is going to be radical differences according to very small-scale geographies of power. It’s going to be airline ticketing costs, but for vaccines. The guy left of you got his yesterday, the seat in the middle will wait two months, the people at the gate are still waiting standby a year later, somebody paid $2000, somebody paid nothing.


I will be surprised if McMorris-Rogers runs again although she is a safe district here in WA state. I suppose she could run for the Senate when Patty Murray retires but she’d lose. The majority of the population lives in Western WA primarily blue King County.


As I understand it, her base is in the high desert in Eastern Washington.

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