Felix Sater Will Testify Today After Subpoena For Sleeping Through His Alarm

The chief architect of the Trump Tower Moscow project, Felix Sater will finally testify before the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday after he was subpoenaed last month when he failed to voluntarily appear before the committee.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1233981
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Sater told Politico that he had an unexpected illness and accidentally slept through his alarm
and the dog ate his homework where he was reading up about the 5th amendment


The transcript as follows:

“I refuse to answer based on constitutionally-based Executive Branch confidentiality interests.”


“The dog ate my responses”

You know, whatever works best.


great minds…, but I beat ya to it


Hah! The dog excuse was my ‘go to’ as well!


Dammit. I was refilling my coffee cup. Caffeine first you know.


Managed a business decades ago. Young workforce. I bought every hire an alarm clock, with a battery back-up. And I bought them spare batteries. I told them a storm knocking out electricity to their apartment was now not an excuse. Nor was not owning an alarm clock. And if their car wouldn’t start call a cab, I’d pay for it. And if they were ill go to a MedCheck and bring in the receipt from the visit, company medical paid for it. And I would pay their deductible

About a third of those told they’d been hired would walk out after that discussion. Which was fine with me.


Been at work for a few hours already

I’m sick to death of the lack of cooperation across the board. I think subpoenas should be like bench warrants, issued as soon as failure to appear has occurred. No ups, no extras, no exceptions. You don’t want a subpoena, think a subpoena is unnecessary? Then show up, don’t waste the court’s time. Screw you and the decorum you rode in on.


A bit OT, but surely will bring many a lot of “Satisfaction”!

The Rolling Stones gave a concert in Boston Sunday night, and Mick Jagger trolled Donald Trump to death:

“In fact, the President made a very good point in his speech the other night”

“He said, ‘If only the British had held on to the airports, the whole thing might have gone differently”


Damn! Me likey. About a third of my staff are college kids. Hmmmm…


Sater will testify behind closed doors

In less than an hour.

Or, you know, not.


Dear House Committee,

I cannot testify today because I had to bail my hooker out of jail at 3:45 AM and overslept because my servant forgot to set my alarm clock and besides my dog peed on my subpoena.

Love, Felix


It gets better. I’d tell each hire I was paying their first hour on the job to do nothing but watch me. I’d get a mop bucket and cleaning supplies and take them to the restroom. Told them to watch. I’d clean it top to bottom, so you could eat off the floors. Then I told them if they were ever told to clean the restrooms they knew exactly the standards I expected, they just watched me do it. And I told them if I ever heard them grumble to co-workers after being told to do it “I bet that asshole never cleaned a restroom in his life” they must have mental issues, because they know damn good and well they watched me do just that on their first day on the job, and they were paid to do nothing but watch.

That usually caused another couple bails on day one.


Are you sure the hooker didn’t pee on the subpoena?


You obviously hadn’t hired a PLO (Permanent Latrine Orderly).

We were all a team, and everyone was cross trained and expected to perform both the rewarding, and tedious, tasks.


It was a film reference. Sorry.

Reading that got the day off to a good start. To the world, Trump is a laughingstock.


Yes, Felix Sater had an “unexpected illness”, namely “predestinated perjuritis”.