Feinstein Indicates Support For Nixing The Filibuster On Voting Rights Package

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



If we kill the filibuster for race and civil rights issues, we will have killed its original purpose.

Why then keep it at all?

…oh right, to protect corporations.


May we interpret that not as ageism, but as a critique of fickleness?

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Yea, “Clever”, plus personalized trophies They’ll both come around and with President Biden on his Virus Victory tour, plus watching his favorable numbers continue to climb, Manchin and Sinema will see the light. And hopefully it will be the same with the infrastructure legislation. Gotta make it happen sooner than later as things start to get scary, approaching Nov 2022. Spirit of the Open Road soon to be realized. And all that jazz. Getting ahead of myself - but fuck it - so many good things possible.


It’s another piece of legislation that is very popular across party lines. The fact that a majority of Americans want this legislation ought to persuade Manchin and Sinema.


I want this legislation so bad that my wife has been complaining that I’ve been wearing a hard-hat around the house.



Well it’s desperately needed.

And OT to this thread, but hahahaha funny:


Soy trabajador

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I will give Manchin a little more slack when it comes to this “bi-partisan” rhetoric, since he represents ruby red West Virginia (2nd highest trump % in nation, in 2020). But no excuse for Sinema, representing a purple, trending blue state … seems like she just enjoys being a contrarian.


I see why this bill means so much to you. :smile:


(Back to English)…That is a MAJOR shift for Moscow McConnell…both the actual shift and the incompetence that caused the need for it in the First Place.


Always beware the precedent. In essence, the reconciliation process is an exception to the filibuster. Judicial nominations are being named by you as precedents for voting rights legislation. You seem to be thinking that you’re winning here, and will therefore always be in the driver seat. I can think of two ways this might come to bite you in the ass. Vote suppression legislation would be coming under the voting rights label - needs only 51 Republican votes. And this incremental precedent can in turn be used to set another precedent.
I’m more in favor of modifying the filibuster to the point of not just talking, but 80% of their side needs to be present and listening. IF this is not attainable, carve-outs like this may be needed.


Don’t say this part out loud!


Do you really think that if the GOP had the trifecta that they wouldn’t change the filibuster rule to put in voter suppression legislation w/51 votes?

They tried to repeal Obamacare via reconciliation w/51 votes.

Manchin isn’t going to modify the filibuster. It gives him too much power. Only options are reconciliation or a one-time exception or adjustment to the 60 vote requirement as McConnell and Reid did, or has been done in the past when other Senate Majority Leaders have gone ‘nuclear’. It’s not a new thing.


Well now he’s truly flailing. He’s made how many missteps lately? hahahahahahaha


It would speed thing up if 80% of their side were required to sit there and listen


For the love of all that is holy, what is wrong with a simple democratic majority?
Are they truly concerned with a loss of stable policy from election to election?
We’ve already got that with Executive Orders and changing POTUS administrations.

Do they wish to protect the minority from horrible things like ending the minority’s bigoted and racist policies, or is it really all about the desire for power despite being in the minority? There’s a really good reason that they’re in the minority. Their policies suck.


It’s time. They need to do it before the infrastructure package. Manchin really wants infrastructure passed and this needs to be the deal.


It’s sort of interesting that Sinema has made this filibuster as part of Senate historical lore as an argument for holding on to it when Senators (like Feinstein) who have been there for 30 or 40 years are saying, meh, not so much. Sinema should listen to the older, wise ones on this.


I’m (terrifyingly) in agreement with Manchin here. This is like being a little bit pregnant. We should just nix the entire filibuster.

There is a terrible fear that when republicans eventually take back power (and a trifecta) they will push terrible legislation.

We. Should. Let. Them.

The reason the conspiracy theories work on their base is their base and the American public in general doesn’t have to deal with the consequences because Democrats take it on the chin by blocking their terrible ideas.

I’d go so far as to say kill the Senate, but we’d need a full blown constitutional convention for that.

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