Fed Gov’t Sues Snowden For Book That Violates CIA And NSA Non-Disclosure Agreements

For all the help he’s probably given the Russians that harms the US, I’d imagine he’s doing pretty well and even has his own Sparrow.


If he had just stuck to the domestic stuff you could at least maybe have an argument that he was trying to bring attention to some sort of overreach on the part of the agencies the public deserved to know about even if it was legal. However that he also outed overseas surveillance opperations, which is the type of work that is the whole reason these agencies exist, kind of undermines that defense.

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This administration just thinks that it can sue its way to victory. Possibly, the point here is a warning to some who have been called to testify to Congress that US won’t hesitate to sue someone over an NDA violation to protect information related to National Security?

Don’t forget: Snowden is in Russia - under someone’s protection.

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Link please!

There is no question that a much larger percentage of Americans became aware of it via the efforts of Snowden.

And if it was so well known already, why does the gov have its tit in the wringer about it?


Yeah, well, being aware of something that is pretty strongly safeguarded and is not abused amounts to…?

Can’t find anything now. It’s been a while since Snowden cut out. I know Assange advised him not to go to South America, but then Assange has always had a soft spot for Russia, hasn’t he? And that was the only other opportunity for Snowden.

Trump must really hate that some loser who quit school after the 10th grade is saying mean things about him. When did Snowden say this? Any chance this is what led Donnie to sue him? .

It was Chelsea Manning who went to Wikkileaks in 2013 - my brother gets Manning and Snowden confused too.

Wikileaks was in Hong Kong with Snowden, too. And Assange was giving him advice. Of course Assange was also giving advice to Manning, and now Manning and Snowden and Assange are the poorer for all their machinations.

He didn’t actually abscond with classified documents to an enemy state. He released the docs in Hong Kong to American and British journalists, and only later received an offer of asylum from Russia.


Sebastian Gorka has a PhD, so he must be a smart winner!

the Department of Justice does not tolerate these breaches of the public’s trust. We will not permit individuals to enrich themselves, at the expense of the United States,



Curious how you view Daniel Ellsberg, who, as it happens, endorsed Snowden’s actions (see link below to WaPo essay).

If it were not for Ellsberg and the publication of the Pentagon papers, the American public would never have known the truth about the lies used to justify the massive expansion of the war in Vietnam. It seems to me his is a voice worth listening to.


Last night while being interviewed by Brian Williams on MSNBC

Whaaa? Did some poor slobs, fueled only by Chinese food and a dream, have to pull an all-nighter to draft this complaint?

Listening to Brian Williams on MSNBC now on Ari Melber. Absolutely fascinating. He asked Snowden if he would work for the US to help secure our elections and go up against the Russians. Spoiler: he says yes.

Snowden is a fugitive from justice. He has no right to make money off his crime.

Now, if he had stayed put and went to jail, then I would respect him. But no patriot runs to our enemies.

If he stayed put, he would not have a fair trial, and he would be tortured (23 hour a day solitary) for the rest of his life).

Ellsberg got bail, and had the right to argue that what he released was public and in the public interest. Snoden gets neither.