Hah. I wasn’t aware we had a TPMer here with “dual-loyalty”.
Btw, that was snark I hope.
Hah. I wasn’t aware we had a TPMer here with “dual-loyalty”.
Btw, that was snark I hope.
Sartorially speaking…too late.
You’d have to ask him. I’ll never tell.
Oh. And it has now been 8 days since the President led an attack on our nations Capitol and he remains in power. Neither he nor his supporters have acknowledged Biden’s election victory and most of the Republicans in the House voted not to hold the President responsible and the Senate leader has decided there is no emergency and has postponed his impeachment trial.
His supporters have promised more violence, threatened to surround the Capitol, and vowed Joe Biden will not be inaugurated.
Is it just me, or is Lindsey’s face melting?
Something tells me no one is checking those boxes as they leave the premises.
I know, was trying to be funny, sorry (edited the duh out).
Looks like a mix. At least a couple who seem to have been violating house rules against weapons for members while in chamber.
And for the rest, all about ego and privilege. They don’t like being treated like their constituents. I’ve long contended that the government would fix a lot of things if congresscritters had to run the same gauntlet as regular people to get service.
To be fair, could have gotten dangerous if she banged her head on the desk and got a concussion.
“The organic Shaman”
QAnon the Barbarian
Interesting article advancing the story of a planned insurrection by insiders into the Capitol building before the rioting on Jan. 6th.
Geez, what’s next, ya gonna yank their franking privileges?
I’ve not heard one Republican say that the terrorists shouldn’t be prosecuted. Not one. Whether they sympathize with them or not is irrelevant. They’re not calling for them to be let off the hook. Even if they were, who cares? It’s not like they’re in any position to do fuck all about it. I swear, some of y’all would win a billion dollars and whine about having to pay taxes.
Imagine how short wait-times would be for a phone call to any government agency if congresscritters had to call up and wait themselves, rather than being able to have a staff member reach out to the top of the agency and get personalized service.
Just for starters.
Here, an entire list of Republicans defending Kyle Rittenhouse:
Was he among the insurrectionists? No, then what’s your point?
The graphic artist needs to include the spawn in the composite.
Well then, I would guess Lindsey will not fight the reported subpoena for his own blue dress.
Are you referring to the dress with the cute little bustle that tries to disguise Aunt Pityfuck’s broad and flabby ass?