But I’m sure Greta Thunberg is a far greater threat to us, amirite Bothsides™ Media?
Gee, where could this guy have possibly gotten the idea that news organizations are the enemy of America?
I keep racking my brains but I can’t figure out the answer to that one.
Maybe it’s because CNN has more viewership than MSNBC which I watch but not CNN, but the hosts of programs there and their guests on panels are very critical of trumPP. There’s not a single host or guest who comes to praise but only to bury him to some degree.
@kwd101 The military is unable to draw as many competent people as they used to because their standards preclude drug use and criminal records. Plus, people don’t want to enlist because we have a prez who threatens war every day. So, it’s bottom of the barrel or no one.
I know SOME PhD’s who the dumbest people I have ever met.
In their narrowly focused discipline, they are average (with the ego to match their PhD) but in real life, they are idiots. Not capable of understanding ANYTHING outside of their narrow discipline, but they INSIST you call them; Doctor.
Luckily, they are the exception, not the rule.
OTOH, I know some electricians who are brilliant. At a lot of things. So, generally it all comes down to; How much money did you have available to pursue your education? If you have a lot, you either end up with a PhD, or a Masters of some kind. (Unless you are not very bright, then you get an MBA and go to work at Daddy’s firm as a Junior VP.)
If you have an average amount of money, you get a BS or BA (and graduate with tons of school debt.)
If you don’t have much money, you go to Trade School (nights if you have to.)
If you don’t have any money at all you simply go to Work (if you can find a job) or join the Military.
And being he is military and we have heard stories like this before, how long before we should be afraid to support the troops, anymore?
I know - these guys are a small minority of the total.
Or are they?
Ask yourself who you’d rather have a beer with, a PhD or an electrician (I wouldn’t want to have a beer with a plumber however).
He’s a bit confused - the Azov Battalion is definitely pro-fa, but it’s fighting against Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. I’m surprised he wasn’t trying to join the “rebel” groups fighting for Putin.
Hey, I know a couple plumbers who make some really excellent home brew.
One does so well he is thinking about making a business out of it and has interest from a couple of the micro-brewerys in town.
I have had beers with all three, and it depends upon the person, not the profession.
Like I said, I know a couple PhDs who look down their noses at anyone who drinks…BEER (the horror, the horror.) Only the finest (and expensive) imported wines for them, and they never, EVER miss an opportunity to remind you of how much they cost. Needless to say, I suffer them only when I have to.
I would MUCH rather go to a ball game with the others and hoist a few to the local team.
The Azov Battalion. Fighting to kill every Russian from the Dnieper River to Moscow. Never mind the land between the Dnieper River to Moscow has been Russia since the 12 century.
(there is a slight chance that this is doctored photo. The Nazi flag that is. However note the Azov Battalions symbol is a swastika. Just do an image search of Azov.)
I’d have that beer or wine with a plumber only after he’d showered and changed clothes.
If he’s sick, then he needs help. I don’t like the idea of automatically assigning guys in this situation the get out of jail free card of mental illness to explain their actions. Some people are just murderous assholes, we need to deal with them that way.
Yeah, the kind who shop the local gunshop - not Walmart - shame.
Back in the bad ol’ days an FBI agent had to do the legwork in order to catch the maniacs: Attend clandestine meetings, drive a beat up truck with gun rack, talk the crazy talk. Now it’s all done with Facebook DM. “Got guns or bombs? How many? Can you send me a list of everyone you’re gonna kill?”
Darling, the plumbers I’m aqcuainted with are simply rolling in it. They’d buy you champagne.
Actually, it isn’t their job to find these people. Outside of a very few specific circumstances, our military’s intelligence apparatus is not supposed to be used to spy on US citizens. Thank you for the spooks thing though, it was always a nickname that we took pride in while I served (may still be, but I’m not speaking for a whole new generation of spooks).
Nobody ever said that the maniacs were very bright.
Lunatics will tell anyone who will listen to them everything they plan on doing. That is why they are lunatics.
The smarts ones are the ones that worry me. They keep everything secret.
Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys, let them be plumbers and electricians and such.
“…Not capable of understanding ANYTHING outside of their narrow discipline…”
I’ve heard this multiple times from retired academics with whom I’m acquainted.
And covered his plumber’s butt crack.