FBI: US Soldier Allegedly Shared Bombmaking Info, Spoke Of Killing Antifa | Talking Points Memo

An U.S. soldier was charged Monday for distributing information about bomb-making. He also allegedly expressed an interest in traveling to Ukraine to fight with the nationalist hate group Azov Battalion.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1250511

Again - a helpful reminder. If you HATE HATE HATE the “AntiFa” - whose side are you on? PRO - FA?


I think the guy in question knew which side he was on.


This kind of person gives the good murderous sociopaths a bad name.


This guy - and so many similar to him - are 100% on board with supporting anything that will crack down on people who are not like him …who do not think like him … who are in any way different…
Depending upon exactly how sick he may be - he either wants to kill them - or wants to torture them… cause great pain and suffering - and then kill them.


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Smith allegedly told the confidential FBI source that he was looking for “radicals.”

Has he looked in a mirror lately?

Separately, he described the potential bombing of what the FBI described as a “a major American news network” with “a large vehicle bomb.”

I’m not going to give you it’s full name, but it’s abbreviation is CNN. Looks like little Donnie got another sucker to do his dirty work.


Actually. Yes. Yes they are.

The Nazi’s made little men into Big Men and being little men themselves, they want the same to happen to them.

The Greatest Generation must be spinning in their graves to hear the anti-american ideas of these Fascists.


People like this are supposed to be swept up by the FBI. Even if the Military Intelligence spooks miss them.


Smith allegedly told the confidential FBI source that he was looking for “radicals.”

The lack of self-awareness is breath taking.


According to the affidavit, thiis guy’s never been out of the country. He’s not one of those guys with experience in stuff like marching in a straight line when he’s not reading comic books, is he?


I guess fascism is awesome when it’s your fascism!


Gosh. He sounds…sane. And one more time, the unhinged GARBAGE fulminating from the WH has NOTHING to do with it…


It seems these people have forgotten or dumped the entire history of the country and why we have moved along as we had. The WWII generations fought against visible and hard edged despots and their people, but multiple generations have fought against the same here as well as other wrongs. A lot of blood has been shed to be who we are today. But these people do not care if it satisfies their own little needs and biases.


“…Azov Battalion’s efforts to recruit right-wing extremists in America.”

You mean beyond Trump?

And McConnell?

And the entire GOP?


I mean I get why Republicans hate Antifa…being fascists and all. But can’t they tell that’s a bad look?

Oh right, they can. That’s why they have Fox and other RW propagandists working on defining Antifa as terrorists


I know of PhD’s calling CNN the “communist news network”.
This is what masterly propaganda generated over decades by the right produces in our discourse.


I’m always puzzled and amused when we all act shocked and surprised that a US military service member could be up to no good in this manner. When you think about it, they are probably MORE succeptible to getting talked into stupid and dangerous shit like this. From the moment they set foot in basic training/boot camp, breaking down their ability to think independently and reinforcing that “obey without question!” mentality is the first major priority of their new lives.


FYI in t praise “IED knowledge for days”, “for days is pronounces “fa DAAYYYYYYYZ”.

For example:
“She had legs/eyelashes/instagram followers fa DAAYYYYYYYYZ.”

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So what’s the general’s name?

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