Bill Kristol tweeted that Skanky stole the information on nuclear weapon and warhead designs and the intelligence information relating to the halal style torture, slicing and dicing of Khashoggi so that he could blackmail, stick and carrot the Butcher Prince of the Holy Land of Peaceful Terrorists. The $2B to Cuck Kushner and Sugarbaby and the continuing and enormous money flows explain the power of kompromat and the stolen secrets.
I’ve found that when you’re dealing with someone as profoundly amoral, evil, and stupid as Donald Trump, you can set your imagination free. The explanation can be anything from as banal as to show off to his guests to as evil as selling top secrets to America’s enemies.
If you admit to one set of documents marked as “Various classified/TS/SCI documents and four sets of top secret documents in an effort to get out in front then there must be some real doozies in the rest of the 20 boxes.
Shouldn’t Trump receive the same treatment as any spy who steals sensitive national security documents? Doesn’t the government have to assume the worst case scenario and take the appropriate defensive actions?
Looks like they’re going to force the entire GOP to adopt the stance that a President can declassify any and everything he or she desires at any time for any reason even if they’re no longer president.
It’s the binders of photos where the good stuff is at. Kompromat on Graham? Nude photos of an underage Ivanka? Other Souvenirs of assignations with underage friends of Epstein’s?