FB Apologies To Rep. Newman For Flagging Video Of Trans Flag As Hate Speech | Talking Points Memo

Miscellany. The GOP has invited the Fatberg to speak at CPAC, and Trump has accepted.

Members of the public have been urged to be careful what they flush after a “huge, disgusting” fatberg the weight of a small bungalow was cleared from an east London sewer.

Thames Water engineers and MTS Cleansing Services spent two weeks using high-powered water jets and hand tools to chip away at and eventually remove the rock-like heap, which was said to have smelled like composting festival toilets and rotten meat, from a conduit in Canary Wharf.


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I don’t remember Steve King pulling this shit. If this is how MTG rolls then I can just imagine the crap she’d pull if she still had committee assignments.


Hasn’t Zuckerberg found his woman already? Someone please tell him it’s okay to delete his company.


Remember: it was those goddamned Al Gore Rhythms that denied an electoral victory to Our Favorite President! Just ask Mike Lindell (you might want to wait until he has stopped foaming at the mouth and after he has had his lobotomy).


Well, I know I’ve put on a few pounds during the pandemic, but you don’t have to get personal!

Pee Wee I Know You Are|nullxnull

for flagging a video that was shared on its platform of the congresswoman installing a transgender pride flag outside of her office as hate speech.

I wouldn’t be surprised if any number of organizations in the Silly Party spend time trolling FB every day, hitting the offensive button for anything they disagree with, or even serial trolling. Same thing that used to happen with the FCC complaints about broadcasters.


Okay, this is now veering way off topic (as if that’s ever stopped me before), but this reminded me of a bit of old computer lore. You may have heard of BSD Unix (originally the “Berkeley Software Distribution”) and/or its modern successors, like FreeBSD etc.

For the fun and pun of it, BSD’s “mascot” has long been this fella:


There’s an old, old story of what happened to someone years ago, when she happened to be wearing her BSD t-shirt in Texas … well worth a read.



These forums are basically the dimly lit walls of a piss-soaked dive bar bathroom, writ large (very large). I have issues of my own with one that allows employer reviews, upon which a former employee panned us for things that were simply factually untrue. When I protested their answer was basically “free speech.”

I don’t know how to fix this, and I know this is related to many people’s desire to “reform” the internet, and I know it has implications that may stretch far and wide, even to this forum my beloved safe haven. But at this point I’d advocate going too far and risking “free speech” rather than continuing to allow the volcano of untruths that is dissolving our social fabric.


Wow, I did too. I am not a fan of FBI. I am not a fan, subscriber to FB, or participant. I’m pretty much not interested in BI, as I know it, either… (I’m talking about business intelligence, which I think might be an oxymoron, or Binary or dualistic thinking).

But, I do think the Representative from Illinois is a loving and supportive mother (and I would love to support her), and I think the nitwit from Georgia ought to be given some serious testing for her current mental status, and ability to serve in any public office. She is one sick MFer… And I would really be worried about her children’s future.


As long as they don’t shut down my God-given right to speculate about how Soros and Hillary are ruling the planet, it’s all good.


What’s really astonishing is that facebook even responded after false flagging her. Oh wait, a congresscritter that can write or vote on legislation shoving oversight and responsibility up their ass sideways. Wanna bet she’s on a VIP list?

Facebook is the comcast of social media .


Facebook does this all the time. I once got a 30 day ban for using the word “negroes” in a loving way as I was talking about my family. Shit, I don’t know how the United Negro College Fund keeps their page up.


So has FB taken down the anti-trans sign video that Marjorie Psycho Greene put up across the hall from Rep. Newman?
Magic Eight Ball says, “Fuck no.”


You ain’t nuthin’ but a Texan In Name Only, you regulator-lover, you. (With apologies to our resident good gals and guys from the Lone Star State.)


Hate speech. Hmmm. I got flagged when I still used zuck’s crap for hate speech for saying “Allah is imaginary.”

Right wingers said everything I said about Trump was hate speech.

Christians said that everything I said was hate speech.

Hate speech needs some stronger definition in our popular culture.


God gave you what??? I asked for all kinds of crap for my birthday this year and She gave me none of it.


The secret is to be humble and not to ask for things that you want, and the Lord will provide you what you need.