White House COVID-19 expert Dr. Anthony Fauci revealed on Friday morning that he had accepted President-elect Joe Biden’s offer to be his chief medical adviser.
There are many reasons to ask Fauci to be in the new administration but the best one is to show that we will in fact listen to the doctors and scientists on their expertise.
Watch out, Tony. John McEntee said he’d fire people for job-hunting in this period. Of course Biden came to you, it seems. And you can’t be fired anyway. I suppose you knew that already.
Biden understands why some people could not speak out strongly against Dump, including some Senators. He’s setting things up to hopefully be able to get things moving in the right direction. Fauci is a big plus.
I agree, but unless they flip the two Senate seats in Georgia, Biden (or the GOP Senate) has to flip Moscow Mitch before real progress can be made. I have my doubts.
I think if there’s any one person who was justified in stepping carefully because his staying in that role mattered more than yelling at Trump, it was arguably Tony Fauci, because he was involved in coordinating efforts to get out a vaccine. Anyone can call Trump names. His quitting to do so wouldn’t have changed anything. Staying might have. We’ll know, or not, down the road. Glad he’ll be there for the final push.
I think the record is already pretty clear. Fauci and the other professionals kept plugging away which is the only reason that we’ve got some possible path forward. As bad as it is and has been, could have been much worse.
Might be wondering if it was all worth it. I think for a while the executive branch is going to be like postwar France, and the less the career people knuckled under, the less they showed themselves willing to be a collabo to get ahead, the better their positions will be from now on.
Yeah. As much as Trump tried to wave away the pandemic, he was pretty eager to see a vaccine for it. As long, of course, as it came in time to help him. Seems to have lost interest lately.
Not too late, just in time. Once the supremes see his 46-minutes of testimony, they’ll be jumping to overturn the results and declare him the winner, setting up a grand recovery and a smashing success in the stock market over the next four years while the constitution is amended to remove the term limits.
I agree completely. I didn’t get the impression that she was like Atlas who is batsh*t crazy and will soon be featured on commercials on OANN hawking the restorative power of beets.