WTF Rand Paul, supposedly a doctor [ I know; self certified ]: “It’s important to realize that if society meekly submits to an expert and that expert is wrong, a great deal of harm may occur,” he said.
Would you think, MAYBE, that using the recommendations of an expert just might give that society a better chance than making its own decisions individually on matters they know little about?
That is a problem that people are only now tuning into. This is a long-term health care crisis and it will require an expansion of medicare eligibility to solve. But we will have a less productive work force b/c of COVID.
Knock off this crap. I’m sure you’re “just kidding,” but talk about splitting skulls is for fascists not TPM.
Some might call that a pre-existing condition.
And then some ones may decide to form a class action lawsuit against a certain President for dereliction of his duties.
I won’t even begin to break down “layman”
I don’t quite understand why Fauci didn’t realize that states were skipping steps on their way to reopening from the beginning. It was pretty obvious to anyone who bothered to take a look. But at least he’s being honest about the results of that now. I look forward to the day when he will have an open door to the president, and will be encouraged to speak the truth to Americans every single day. I think that will come toward the end of January.
Oh, please. You must’ve mistaken me for someone with a certain level of maturity. Perhaps you even mistook me for someone mature enough to support the site with a membership rather than being a freeloader with an inclination for lecturing others on their words because it doesn’t meet your standards.
Well, my friend, I’m not real hip on folks who want to dictate my speech, or anyone else’s. That said, I ain’t gonna “knock it off” now, anytime soon nor will I in the distant future. If you don’t like it: Wah!
Ever seen a bad toupee go a’flying? I understand they have wiiiings.
Fauci knew. How could he not? He tried walking a fine line with a man who writes with Magic Markers, fer crissakes, and that failed - Fauci knows that, too.
So what does Fauci do? Go rogue, throw grenades, and HOPE some serious backing rises? Or, does he move on with what he’s trying (IMO) to do: the best he can for the most? So far, it seems he’s ahead on points on all fronts.
I think he’s enormously concerned right now and the fact that he is issuing dire warnings despite the tight leash he’s on makes it clear just how grave the situation we’re in is. The EU isn’t playing politics barring Americans from entry. The country’s rife with the virus and even the Republicans pretending this isn’t true know it. Trump is finished. By August he may need to try and escape the White House dressed as a woman or something.