Solomon Pena, the failed GOP House candidate who’s been arrested for allegedly orchestrating shootings at the homes of Democratic officials, was denied bail by a New Mexico judge on Monday.
Glad this guy was arrested and won’t get out on bail. He is dangerous and should remain locked up until he is prosecuted and put in prison for a good long while.
Hah! Yeah, and why did he feel the need to hire anyone? He seems fully capable of doing it all by himself. Was he all hat and no cattle?
I mean, look, these nuts are nuts. They’re full of grievance and indignation, but when the chips are down, they hire people to do the dirty work, or they refuse to testify, except when they plead the 5th, or they “regret having picked up those zip ties”. Or Donald Trump told me to do it. The list goes on.
Never anything like, “I regret that I have but one life to give…”. No, nothing like that.
He spent 9 years in jail, he probably met the shooters there and they were obviously stupid enough to get thrown in the slammer and then do something that will put them back there for a long time. Pena needs to get a life term or if that isn’t allowable under NM law, consecutive terms so he never sees the outside again.
This guy is a shining example of what the GOP is. The GOP is all chaos all the time. TFG can’t even get a middling rally audience in So. Carolina, for heaves sakes. Lovin it.
Maybe as a felon (did nine years) he was prohibited from owning a gun, and in America it’s nearly impossible for felons to get around that. (ok, I’ll stop now)
The 5 Justices Operatives are working on that problem.
…What we’ve seen so far is a lot of confusion and uncertainty in how to apply Bruen’s historical test…Judge David Counts of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas found unconstitutional a ban on people under felony indictment having a gun…
Just think…how fucking stupid you’d have to be to take a measly 500 bucks for a crime that will net you 10 to life if you get caught? You could rob a bank and get less…and you might pull it off. Involving 4 dumb asses is a certain pinch. 500 bucks?
And just like all the nincompoops in the MAGA world, they never, ever considered the possibility that they would be punished for this action, let alone caught for it.
It’s a delusion that is universally shared among the MAGAts. They really believe they will always and forever get away with whatever mischief they perform.