Experts Worry Congress Might Run Out Of Time To Pass Legislation To Prevent Next Jan. 6

What goldfish?

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It’s pretty common, I know that much.

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Schumer can schedule a vote anytime he wants.

Does he have the votes for it or the committee version?

Thank you! Folks need to understand that more than perhaps anytime in American history, the opposition party wants not just the president to fail, but for the entire country to fail too. Since 2010, they’ve sought to make Americans suffer. They HOPE Americans will suffer and then blame Democrats and vote for them.

Manchin has been an absolute thorn in the side and a pain in the ass of Democratic leadership for the past two years. Not sure how that makes them “pretty much the same.”


Judges judges judges. Which the House can’t do a damned thing to stop.

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Good one. But people who fish for carp are those who must fish where all other fish are long gone. Specialized tackle and bait. Tiny hooks.

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As usual, I have no idea.

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Salt water guy myself. What I remember about carp fishing from what I read in my youth was dough balls (whatever that is) and canned corn. Didn’t know about the tiny hooks. Did know that carp are tolerant of pretty nasty water.

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No matter what else they are up against, putting in some 40 hour weeks would certainly help matters. You make a very fair point.

The committee, led by Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), was given records from both Trump’s personal returns and corporate filings from the former president’s business empire. Despite the intense public interest in the case, Democrats are not expected to release the documents to the public and it remains unclear when committee members will review them

Give them to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxes, which will be chaired by a senator next term.

*I do not know if this is possible


So many click bait headlines with the concept of " worry" as the hook…especially in the financial press…

Regarding "worry "…can the problem be fixed…if yes…fix it and don’t worry…
Is the problem not fixable? If no…why worry? Worry is a useless waste of time in light of the alternatives…

Might…or will run out of time?

Technically you are supposed to pan for Goldfish.


How about Dems announce that if Biden loses in 2024, the election will be considered stolen and a million democrats will invade the capital to kick some Reich wing ass. Watch them fill their pants and pass legislation.