Experts Dismiss GOP Claim That Trump’s Impeachment Is Unconstitutional

“SEE! There you go again listening to “Educated People” as EXPERTS and to “Coastal Elite Liberals” instead of “Real Americans” out in the pig farms and wheat fields who KNOW that Trump was apointed by GOD HIMSELF to Rule Us All!!! We KNOW this because Rush and Hannity told us so!!!” /s

This is what we are up against, and is what the cowardly scum like Ted Cruz and Theocratic Dictator Wanna-Be’s like Josh Hawley are counting on for their support. Ignorance and Intolerance.

You can cure ignorance with education, but you can’t cure STUPID.


As for Nixon…

The 22nd Amendment prohibits anyone from being elected President more than twice.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…

So there was simply no need to impeach and convict Nixon to prevent him from running again…


You forgot “GOP claims raising the minimum wage costs jobs.”


Why do I have trouble relying on the legal conclusions of a party that decided it was wrong to vote on a presidential nomination for Supreme Court during the last year of a Democratic President’s term, but fine to vote on a similar nomination made during the last months of a Republican President’s term?


Senate Republicans can always vote to dismiss the charges, as they probably will. The reason they’re making such specious arguments is they’ve seen the evidence that the people haven’t, and know it’s devastating.

Oh, they’ll still vote to acquit, but it’ll be impossible to articulate why to any sentient person who hasn’t partaken of the Aid that is Kool.


Suggested alteration:

Experts Dismiss GOP’s Tired Claim That …


And it goes double for no stinking experts with badges.

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Experts dismiss GOP.

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I might agree that you can’t impeach someone if they’re dead, but we aren’t so lucky yet.


“I think it’s obvious that the post-presidential impeachment has never occurred in the history of the country for a reason: that it’s unconstitutional, that it sets a bad precedent for the presidency and it continues to divide the nation,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told reporters Friday.

Intriguing arguments among which I do not hear: Trump is innocent. So that’s fun.


This is why we impeach and should rightfully convict. This is what Republicans are afraid of. They are traitors to America.


There’s this precedent thingy. It can’t be against precedent if it’s never tested. And now my head hurts, because I can’t remember if Republicans like precedent or don’t like precedent. I certainly know that they don’t like science, change, and the aspect of freedom from religion.


Our experience for the past few decades is that, for republicans, truth is what we say it is at this particular moment. It can be different in five minutes if we need it to be different then, and it can become something else when we need that.

They will scream about “Moral Relativism” when trying to inject religion into government, but have no concern for facts that are inconvenient in the normal business of politics.


The weaseling going on here is that they are trying to claim it’s unprecedented because no President has ever been impeached/convicted after leaving office. Which of course is technically true, but completely irrelevant. The Constitution doesn’t have a different impeachment rule for the President from the other officers of state, so if other officers, like Belknap, can be impeached and convicted, it’s absurd to try to suggest that ex-President Trump cannot.


Except that he could have run for other offices, or been appointed to the Supremes or something like that. Highly unlikely, sure, but just because you run out of Presidential time doesn’t mean that you’re done with holding office somewhere.


Would the embarrassment of having to step aside as Speaker of the House because he too was having an affair, and then the next guy, and thus they settled on Hastert who had his own dark secrets. All this hypocrisy brings to mind the Pharisees.


It’s the future.

The way plastics used to be.


Ah the simple answers that they refuse to acknowledge.

When comparing the two cases, be aware of the differences.

Besides, Fox News wouldn’t know how to cover a witch hunt that featured witnesses and complete evidence.