EXCLUSIVE: New Delays In Final Stage Of Census Could Foil Trump’s Plan To Rig It | Talking Points Memo

The count is as of April 1, 2020.

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Could this be “deep state” messing with Benedict Donald?

I see I’m thinking like @castor_troy. Last thread it was @austin-dave. Time for brain bleach.


So, delay their release? Works for me.

Hey, it worked for Infrastructure week and the revised health care plan that was gonna replace ACA. Why not here?


Wonder how many of those legislators were, y’know, elected.


I think you mean…once again their attempt at malevolence and malfeasance is foiled by incompetence…but you’re on the right track.


It is also not clear whether the White House will try to get in the way of the Bureau being given the extra time that will ensure the quality of the count.


exactly correct, but more like those with pride in their work, and who are following their oaths as government employees, are doing their jobs…


How much you wanna bet someone is going to lose their job at the census bureau before tRump’s leaves office. If it can happen to the guy who said, “the election was the most secure in US history” can be fired just for positing a position based on his expertise, its easy to see someone losing their job for not kowtowing to tRump’s whims over the census. This has been a years long obsession with the orange menace. He won’t let go of it that easily. On the other hand, he still has post-election results to try to rig that might keep him busy in the meantime.


Which makes me wonder how even this current abomination of a Supreme Court could give the okay to reapportionment that is not based on the Census.

Trumpp apportionment plan starts with the Census, sure, but then it excludes a class of persons without any clear Constitutional authority and the number of those excluded is not based on the Census.


Yeah, we don’t want dead deplorables voting.


Great News!!

“Mr. Trump, do you have any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?”


They won’t.

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Elite strike force of Fox personalities = Doom Patrol?


Wanted for questioning.


When I think of 1337, Giuliani is the first person that comes to mind.


“Pardon me, Ms Trump, does your husband have a DNR on file with us?”

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Order them to give him whatever numbers they have at that point and then pretend to certify them and send them to Congress as the official apportionment numbers.

I’m not saying it’s gong to be successful, makes sense, is a brilliant one-up on all of us or anything of the sort, just that if there are shenanigans he can get up to, he will get up to them…and trying to fake his way through turning something into official reality simply by doing or saying it and then yelling loudly that it is now officially true and factual and reality is pretty much what we’ve watched him and the entire GOP and right wing media do for the past 4 years.

Then it has to go to court…and will be run up the flagpole to SCOTUS by the GOP that believes it will be able to take advantage of their 6-3 court packing for an automatic win, with the cherry on top that they’ll no doubt establish precedent that they can do it again.

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“Next Powell claimed that the 2020 election had been rigged with “communist money” and a scheme devised by the late Huge Chavez, the strongman President of Venezuela who died in 2013.”

Wow…this woman needs her law license revoked and to be involuntarily committed.