EU Nations Ban Flights From UK As New Coronavirus Strain Spreads In England | Talking Points Memo

I feel it was worse in Greece and Spain.


Except of course people’s basic right to stay alive. I rather think this is what government is about - doing the tough things we just won’t do for ourselves, but only when necessary and this is the only time in memory when we’ve been asked to do things like this. Extraordinary times. They call for extraordinary measures.

I sing this often to my cats.

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Which can certainly also be accomplished by putting everyone in solitary confinement, yet we rightly reject that. You live with your husband, right? Would you like it if you didn’t, but the government told you you were not allowed to see him at all if he lived in a different apartment, even if neither of you saw anyone else? Because that’s what the Brits have been doing, for months at a time. If they tried to do here what they’re doing in britain, there would be revolution.

I sing the three little fishies song to mine.

boop boop dittam dottam wattam choo
boop boop dittam dottam wattam choo
boop boop dittam dottam wattam choo
and they swam and they swam right over the dam


I wouldn’t be able to see my husband if he was in the hospital with COVID either. And if he died, I’d never see him again.

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But you see him every day, because you live together. What’s the difference if he lived in an apartment alone down the street from you. Why is it then illegal for him to visit you, which it is now in britain.

I don’t know - that won’t happen here anyway so why fulminate on what they are doing there where things have turned ultra-deadly?

You know there are doctors and nurses here who haven’t seen their families for months and months either. It’s the reality we live in .

Sorry you got caught single in this situation - I know it’s worse by far.

And can be done with sensible rules, not authoritarian and overbearing big brother presence. That’s why the lockdowns are fracturing, because people aren’t stupid and they see how this is further stratifying the top from the bottom.

That’s why London folks just flooded for the exits, those who could, and they’ll be spreading it around even further, because of a stupid idiot in charge there who, naturally, will feel none of the pain himself in a nice taxpayer-funded mansion, if he hasn’t already fled for the countryside himself, like the Queen did.

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I haven’t seen any mention within the article concerning the curtailment of flights from the UK to the USA due to the mutated virus. This needs to happen, at least until we know the impact of the vaccine on the mutated virus. Even then, we don’t need to increase the infection rate in the US.

Johnson is an idiot alright, but he’s already had COVID - he was on a ventilator. I assume he has antibodies.

Honestly I don’t much care what happens in the UK. I’m waiting for the Lb. to fall and for Ireland to unite. Otherwise, don’t care.

But I am disappointed. I had hoped that we’d unite against a common enemy - this virus. That didn’t happen obviously and if we can’t unite against something like this, I just don’t know. Humans have such great capability and I don’t know why they refuse to exercise it.


You two stop with your hypotheticals @castor_troy and @tena. I haven’t seen my husband in nine months and 10 1/2 days. There ARE real world implications.


yes I am aware of that. That’s been my point all along. And I am sorry - I know that’s hard.

I know. I am grumpy and I have the holiday blues closing in.

ETA…I am almost ready to fly to Taos and break into your freezer.


I can just imagine - you’re entitled to be grumpy. I’d be happy to share.


I know you would. Happy Holiday week. 2021 IS going to be better.


Happy Holidays to you, dear heart - it is going to be better. It truly is.


And sorry for you as well. I’ve missed the birth of a goddaughter and a bunch of other things, there definitely are real-world things at stake.

Which is why I get so frustrated with the stupidity of the governments, because I know that every move they make that makes no sense makes it less and less likely that people adhere to common sense, and start deliberately pushing back, making the whole thing worse.


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2021 looked at 2020 and said, “Hold my beer”.

This variant is not a new strain. To be a new strain there has to be a new biological property, not just sequence differences.